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Campbell University Study Abroad: Faculty Resources

Current Research on Study Abroad

General Research on Study Abroad Programs

Allen, Heather Willis. “What Shapes Short-Term Study Abroad Experiences? A Comparative Case Study of Students’ Motives and Goals.” Journal of Studies in International Education
14 (2010): 452-470. Find through ILL.

Breen, Marcus: “Privileged Migration: American Undergraduates, Study Abroad, Academic
Critical Arts: A South-North Journal of Cultural & Media Studies 26 (2012): 82-102. LINK.

Dewey, Dan P. “Language Learning during Study Abroad: What We Know and What We Have Yet to Learn.” Japanese Language and Literature 41 (2007): 245-269. LINK.

Donnelly-Smith, Laura. “Global Learning through Short-Term Study Abroad.” Peer Review 11 (2009):

Dolby, Nadine. “Reflections on Nation: American Undergraduates and Education Abroad.” Journal of Studies in International Education, 11, no. 2 (2007): 141-156.

Gardinier, Lor, Dawn Colquitt-Anderson. “Learning Abroad.” New Directions for Teaching & Learning 124 (2010): 23-29. LINK.

Houser, Chris, Christian Brannstrom, Steven M. Quiring, and Kelly K. Lemmons. “Study Abroad Field Trip Improves Trip Performance through Engagement and New Social Networks.” Journal of Geography in Higher Education 35 (2011): 513-528. Find through ILL.

Kutner, Laurie. “Study-Abroad Programs as Information Producers: An Expanding Role for Support of Our Students Studying Abroad.” Journal of Library Administration 50 (2010): 767-778. LINK.

Lord, Gillian. “Second-Language Awareness and Development during Study Abroad: A Case Study.” Hispania 92 (2009): 127-141. LINK.

Noda, Mari. “Performed Culture: Cataloguing Culture Gains during Study Abroad.” Japanese Language and Literature 41 (2007): 297-314. LINK.

Ritz, Aixa A. “The Educational Value of Short-Term Study Abroad Programs as Course Components.” Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism 11 (2011): 164-178. Find through ILL.

Salisbury, Mark, Michael Paulsen, Ernest Pascarella. “Why Do All the Study Abroad Students Look Alike? Applying an Integrated Student Choice Model to Explore Differences in the Factors that Influence White and Minority Students’ Intent to Study Abroad.” Research in Higher Education 52 (2011): 123-150. LINK.

Taillefer, Gail F. “Foreign Language Reading and Study Abroad: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Questions.” The Modern Language Journal 89 (2005): 503-528. LINK.

Tajes, Maria, Jamie Ortiz. “Assessing Study Abroad Programs: Application of the ‘SLEPT’ Framework through Learning Communities.” JGE: The Journal of General Education 59 (2010): 17-41. LINK.

Talburt, Susan, Melissa A. Stewart. “What’s the Subject of Study Abroad?: Race, Gender, and ‘Living Culture.’” The Modern Language Journal 83 (1999): 163-175. LINK.

Thies, Cameron G. “How to Make the Most of Your Summer Study Abroad Teaching Experience.” PS: Political Science and Politics 38 (2005): 83-87. LINK.

Trilokekar, Roopa Desai, Sarah Ramsi. “Student Perceptions of International Education and Study Abroad: A Pilot Study at York University, Canada.” Intercultural Education 22 (2011): 495-511. Find through ILL.

Study Abroad Research through Country-Specific Case Studies

Deans, P. Candace. “A Framework, Learning Outcomes and Lessons Learned for an Undergraduate Short-Term Study Abroad in China.” Journal of Teaching in International Business 22 (2011): 193-216. Find through ILL.

Fuller, Thomas L. “Study Abroad Experiences and Intercultural Sensitivity Among Graduate Theological Students: A Preliminary and Exploratory Investigation.” Christian Higher Education 6 (2007): 321-332. LINK.

Janes, Dominic. “Beyond Ignorance: Using the Cultural Stereotypes of Americans studying in the UK as a resource for learning and teaching about British culture.” Innovations in Education & Teaching International 48 (2011): 61-68. LINK.

Marx, Sherry, Lisa Pray. “Living and Learning in Mexico: Developing Empathy for English Language Learners through Study Abroad.” Race, Ethnicity & Education 14 (2011): 507-535. Find through ILL.

McMullen, Mike, Everette B. Penn. “‘Egypt in Transition’: Uniting Service-Learning and Short-Term Study-Abroad.” Intercultural Education 22 (2011): 423-436. Find through ILL.

Schwald, Roland. “Toward a New Practice of Internationalization: A Case Study on a Short-Term Study Abroad Program at European Institutions of Higher Education.” Review of European Studies 4 (2012): 44-55. LINK.

Stephenson, Skye. “Study Abroad as a Transformational Experience and its Effect upon Study Abroad Students and Host Nationals in Santiago, Chile. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of StudyAbroad (1999): 1-38. LINK.

Study Abroad as Engaged Learning/Experiential Education

Freeland, Richard M. “Liberal Education and Effective Practice: The Necessary Revolution in Undergraduate Education.” Liberal Education 95 (2009): 6-13. LINK.

Steinberg, Michael. "'Involve Me and I Will Understand": Academic Quality in Experiential Programs Abroad." Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad 8 (2002): 207-229. LINK.

Teaching Global Citizenship

Lewin, Ross. The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study Abroad: Higher Education and the Quest for Global Citizenship. New York: Routledge, 2009. Find through ILL.

Tips on Developing a Quality Study Abroad Program

How to Design a Faculty-Led Program
(Washington State University Education Abroad)

While some chapters read specifically to WSU's policies regarding faculty-led programs, many chapters are universally beneficial for a faculty member planning a study abroad program. Some chapters of note are Faculty-Led Program Development, Academic Planning for a Successful Faculty-Led Program, and Conducting a Safe and Healthy Program.

Program Development 

A concise list of key considerations when planning your study abroad program, and ideas on cultivating your program.