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Theological Research

This research guide is intended to supplement instruction in all courses involving theological research and also the DIVI 1050: Introduction to Theological Research course.

Theological Research Requires...

  1. Community- Enlarge the community with whom you consult.  Be open to "conversation partners" from different cultures and from different timelines.
  2. Humility- Seek help when needed from Dr. Hogan, your other professors, or the librarians.
  3. Generosity of Spirit- Give authors the benefit of the doubt within the classroom and without.
  4. Boldness- You will be called to take a stance (write a thesis) and defend it. 
  5. Honesty-  Avoid plagiarism.  If this occurs in Divinity School, realize your errancy, admit the problem, and accept the consequences.
  6. Time- Give yourself time to gather material, process the material, generate an argument, make your argument, draft your paper, and edit the paper.

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