In addition to our Virtual Symposium presentations, some in-person presentations from the Academic Symposium were recorded for our Adult & Online Education community to view. (View the full Academic Symposium schedule)
Juxtaposition of the Theme of Sorrow in the Modernista Poetry of Amado Nervo and Alfonsina Storni Alexis Janoczkin The Modernista literary movement in Latin America aimed to move from traditional writing standards toward a focus on individual stream of consciousness. While this movement meant to free writers of stylistic and topical conformity, it ultimately trapped some within their own thoughts. This study investigated the concept of freedom that Modernism should have permitted through a juxtaposition of the theme of sorrow in the works of two Latin American poets, Amado Nervo and Alfonsina Stroni, in the late 19th century. Geographical and historical constraints coupled with societal norms shaped their world views in vastly different ways through poetic symbols of overpowering forces, freedom, and identity. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ann Ortiz — Foreign Language Watch the recording |
Electrochemical Detection of Methylisothiazolinone in Dish Soaps Amanda Ritz "A widely used industrial and household biocide known as methylisothiazolinone (MI) is known to increase the occurrence of Allergic Contact Dermatitis when present in large concentrations. Major brands of dish soap are known to contain MI. However, many dish soaps do not indicate the presence of MI on their in-store label and MI concentrations are typically a trade secret. Current methods for quantifying MI in products require significant time, labor, and resources normally only present to a specialist. A more accessible method using electrochemical detection is being developed as a screening method for MI. " Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jordan Womick — Chemistry Watch the recording |
TED Talks as an Exemplar of the Narrative Paradigm Anna Cross This paper uses Walter Fisher's (1984) Narrative Paradigm to explore the use of storytelling in the popular medium of the TED Talks. Five of the most popular talks (in terms of views) are subjected to content analysis to ascertain narrative coherence and narrative fidelity of the presentations. Implications for use of the Narrative Paradigm are discussed. Faculty Mentor: Dr. J. Dean Farmer — Communication Studies Watch the recording |
Educational Interventions for Increasing Knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder Ashley Souffrant Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is becoming increasingly prevalent among children, but research shows there is often still a harmful stigma toward those affected by it. The purpose of this study is to compare effectiveness of online interventions to increase awareness of ASD. Undergraduate students at Campbell University were randomly assigned to one of three interventions: factual video, personal testimonial video, and interactive game. Participants completed an online survey about knowledge of ASD before and after the intervention. This study will provide information about how we can increase knowledge of ASD for students with varying levels of prior exposure to ASD. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Nicole Rushing — Psychology Watch the recording |
Analyzing Identification and Health Communication in a Community Wellness Outreach Program from an Auto-ethnographic Perspective Brendi Bluitt Healthcare is one of the largest sectors in the United States, employing hundreds of thousands of personnel and treating a plethora of patients. People become ill and must make treatment location decisions. This decision is where the role of community wellness outreach programs come in. These programs play a vital role in building rapport, showcasing various departments, and providing free services and events. Wake Forest Baptist Health Center includes BestHealth to promote the Wake Forest Baptist Health brand. This paper analyzes BestHealth’s communication for preventative wellness and the reputation of Wake Forest Baptist Health brand. Faculty Mentor: Dr. J. Dean Farmer — Communication Studies Watch the recording |
Business Analysis & Consultation: Awakenings Brian Jones, Jarred Lisec, Taylor Schmaltz, Trevor Thornton, Liangshuo Xu This project was conducted for the capstone MBA 790 - Strategic Management "Live Case” Seminar class. The students used the knowledge and skills obtained in their graduate coursework in a “live case” consulting project with a local business. The team worked with their assigned client company to assist with the development of recommendations and strategies to address their client's business issues. The course concluded with a written professional consulting project document and oral presentation. Assisted by a team of Campbell MBA faculty, SBTDC advisors, and Campbell Business embedded Librarian, the student team performed financial audit and conducted a SWOT analysis for the business owner to improve competitiveness and profitability. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Shahriar Mostashari — Business Watch the recording |
Nuclear Autoantigenic Sperm Protein (NASP): A Possible Diagnostic Marker for Cancer Cameron Davis, Lauren Smith This project offers an exploration of a new line of diagnostic for various cancers. It is based on the aberrant expression of highly auto antigenic tNASP protein in selected cancer cells. We examined the level of anti-tNASP antibodies in the sera of patients diagnosed with most common cancers: lung, breast, colon/rectum, ovary, endometrium, prostate, brain, thyroid, kidney, bladder cancers, and melanoma. Our results demonstrated different levels of anti-tNASP antibodies in patients diagnosed with different malignancies. We hypothesize that tNASP detection might be used as a powerful tool in cancer screening, diagnosis, differentiation, and treatments. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Oleg Alekseev — Osteopathic Medicine Watch the recording |
Enabling & Constraining: Structuration Theory in the Campus Kitchen at Ballard University Caroline Wilson The Campus Kitchen at Ballard University (CKBU) is a branch of the nationwide Campus Kitchens Project, an organization that promotes innovative, community-based social change strategies. Like all Campus Kitchens, CKBU has secured food reclamation partners, a commercial kitchen in which to prepare meals, and a presence in an impoverished area in their county. Unfortunately, CKBU has struggled to fulfill the Campus Kitchens Project’s mission of going “beyond the meal” to build sustainable relationships with community members. Through the lens of Anthony Giddens’ structuration theory (1979), this paper explores potential barriers to community within CKBU and proposes ways to reverse the effects of these barriers. Faculty Mentor: Dr. J. Dean Farmer — Communication Studies Watch the recording |
"Progression" Through the Years? An Analysis of the Cinematic Portrayal of Lesbians in Major Motion Picture Films Chloe Edwards This study examines the cinematic portrayal of lesbian relationships. Historically, such films focused on the oversexualization and stereotyping of the relationships. This research explores if this phenomenon still exists in films today. Data is take from IBDM's list of top movies featuring lesbian relationships. Data will be analyzed comparing films of the 20th century to films of the 21st century, to examine if there has been a significant change in the portrayal of lesbian relationships in films, or if the stereotypical portrayal still exists today. Based on the analysis, findings will be discussed and recommendations, if needed, will be suggested. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Amanda Parker Criminal Justice Watch the recording |
Effectiveness of the Total Range Exerciser in Total Knee Arthroplasty Danielle Eustace An emerging therapeutic strategy for post-operative treatment for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is the Total Range Exerciser (T-Rex), an in-home rehabilitation device. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of T-Rex on physical functioning and symptoms after TKA compared to standard care. Participants (planned n=44) were randomized to a treatment group and undergoing objective measurement pre-operatively and at the conclusion of rehabilitation. Preliminary (n=17) independent samples t-test statistical analysis suggests significantly larger improvement in symptoms and larger but not significant improvements in walking ability, pain, and performance of activities of daily living favoring standard care. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Bradley J. Myers — Physical Therapy Watch the recording |
Effect of Knee Immobilizer on Pelvic Obliquity of Young, Healthy Female Population Danielle Eustace, Stuart Gupton, Leah Main Bracing after ACL reconstruction (ACL-r) is common and may improve outcomes by improving knee extension, decreasing pain and strain on the graft, and protecting against excessive force. It is important to consider the effects that bracing may have on gait when walking. The purpose of this study was to establish the extent of pelvic obliquity in three planes with the utilization of a knee immobilizer in conditions encountered in ACL-r (fully locked, locked, 30-degrees of flexion, and unbraced) among 22 recreationally active, healthy, young females. The MANOVA analyses revealed statistically significant data across each of the four conditions. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Bunn — Physical Therapy Watch the recording |
NC Blue Laws: A Case Study of the NC Brunch Bill Emily Stapleton Section 4 in North Carolina Senate Bill 155, or “The Brunch Bill”, while was a start to an expansion of liberties, is still too stringent due to the special restrictions of selling alcohol on Sunday’s. This bill, aside from violations of the Constitutional wall between church and state could be more effective economically if Blue Law policy were abolished completely due to North Carolina’s tourism industry. And while not everyone agrees with the NC Brunch Bill in its original form, its expansion would increase fairness, economic opportunity, and state revenue. Faculty Mentor: Dr. John Mero Political Science Watch the recording |
The Acute Impact of Vinyasa Yoga on Improving Working Memory Performance in Undergraduate College Students Jade Baldwin, Lize Botha, Logan Shearon This study aimed to determine whether participation in a vinyasa yoga class would improve the performance of undergraduate college students on a working memory test. Modified versions of the digit span forward and digit span backwards tests from the Working Memory Index, found in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (2003), were used to assess working memory capacity. The Solomon four design was utilized to ensure that improved performances were not due to the testing effect. The experimental and control groups were then compared in order to determine whether there was a significant improvement in working memory. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jutta Street — Psychology Watch the recording |
Evaluating North Carolina's Brunch Bill Jamie Sandoval This research paper addresses the issues raised by the passage of North Carolina Senate Bill 155, also known as the Brunch Bill. With the passage of SB 155, North Carolina businesses are now allowed to sell alcoholic beverages before noon on Sundays. Section 4 of SB 155 sets the legal time of sales at 10 a.m., on Sunday. In this paper, I evaluate alternate policies to the North Carolina Brunch Bill. Each alternate policy potentially benefits the stakeholders by improving upon SB 155. Faculty Mentor: Dr. John C. Mero — Political Science Watch the recording |
Exile and Contemplation in "The Wanderer" and "The Seafarer" Jordan Upton "The Wanderer" and "The Seafarer" are two ancient and highly influential Old English poems contained in the Exeter Book, thought to have been written before the tenth century. These works are called elegies for their somber and reflective nature. "The Seafarer" and "The Wanderer" each follow a narrator who ponders his life spent, which in turn, forces him to question grander issues such as the world at large and the afterlife. In these poems the themes of exile, isolation, and loss are prevalent throughout, yet the narrators' pain is ultimately endurable due to their unwavering and steadfast faith in God. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Rambo English Watch the recording |
Lacrosse Drill Classification for a Collegiate Women’s Lacrosse Team Kathryn Alphin This study aimed to provide insight into an athlete’s responses to various drills so as to classify the level of intensity of each drill. Within the context of this study a women’s collegiate lacrosse team was monitored using specialized GPS tracking devices and heart rate monitors during daily team practice and scrimmage matches. Drills were classified based on the team’s responses to each drill and the intensity for individualized positions examined. This information can help training staff customize practice sessions to improve athlete performance. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Bunn — Exercise Science Watch the recording |
Organizational Socialization in Blue-Collar Workers: New In Town Leah Tripp The act of being accepted into a new organization is a complex process that requires adjustment and flexibility on the part of the newcomer. Assimilation and membership occur through a process known as organizational socialization. The intricate, exclusive systems that comprise blue-collar organizations require transformations on the part of new members that alters nearly every part of their lives. This paper analyzes and explicates theses processes using the film New in Town as an exemplar. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dean Farmer — Communication Studies Watch the recording |
The Other Woman: Anne Boleyn as a Catalyst of the English Reformation Madalyn Brooks King Henry VIII of England and Anne Boleyn are perhaps the most infamous pair to sit on the thrones of England in all of British history. Over centuries, historians have studied, researched, analyzed, interpreted and ultimately created a seemingly feasible narrative of both Henry VIII’s reign and Anne Boleyn’s life, including her rise in favor, fall to disgrace, and death. Unfortunately, these narratives are usually incomplete at best, each historian perpetuating his/her own reflection and interpretation of Anne Boleyn and too often, the stories coagulate around two distinct characterizations: Anne as the worldly seductress or Anne as the pious innocent. She is either the woman who bewitched Henry VIII into falling in love with her for devious personal and political goals, or the woman who was intoxicated by love and passion, steadfastly tied to the expectations of her noble family and absorbed into a state of affairs grander than she could have imagined. Whatever the underlying reasoning, Anne Boleyn gambled at an imperial level and lost, the resulting narrative as well as her involvement in the spurring on of the reformation in England is the focal point of this paper. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Salvatore Mercogliano — History Watch the recording |
Of Gender Roles, How They Were Begotten Mary Gatti In Sir Thomas Malory’s 15th century tale, “Of Sir Galahad…How He Was Begotten,” from Le Morte Darthur, Sir Lancelot is tricked into having a baby with Elaine of Corbin. His shame for having betrayed Queen Guenivere then results in him falling into madness and running away. Applying feminist literary criticism to medieval texts, although complicated, can both identify stereotypical gender patterns and their reversal. The characters of Elaine, Sir Lancelot, and Dame Brusen do not fit neatly into typical gender roles, so that Malory’s tale demonstrates a looser binary of gender roles than is commonly associated with medieval texts. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Rambo English Watch the recording |
Miles B. Hunt The sermon “Nevertheless, She Persisted” offers a congregationally accessible, yet academically driven exposition of the pericope of “The Canaanite Woman” found in Matthew 15: 21-28. The sermon serves as an example of bridging the gap between academia and the pew as it explores concepts such as history, gender roles, social justice issues, as well as the role of the Church. These concepts are presented in a way that is accessible to the congregants while not compromising the integrity of the research, allowing the congregant to derive both academic and spiritual nourishment from the sermon. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Garcia Bashaw — Christian Studies Watch the recording |
The Effects of Advertising on the Outbreak of Type II Diabetes Among Children Natalie Wakefield This project utilizes an integrative review framework to describe the current state of the effects of advertising on the outbreak of Type II Diabetes among children. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Mat Gregoski — Exercise Science Watch the recording |
A Call for Sexual Education in the Church Parker Barnes “A Call for Sexual Education in the Church” draws attention to the detrimental physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences of churches’ silence about sex. Research shows the more frequently young people attend worship services, the less they know about sexual and reproductive health and the more likely they are to engage in dangerous sexual behaviors. After critiquing churches’ silence about sex, the paper provides a constructive analysis of the United Church of Christ’s “Our Whole Lives” sex education curriculum, which addresses sex not simply as a series of behaviors but as an integral piece of persons’ whole lives. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ken Vandergriff — Christian Studies Watch the recording |
Portrayal of Conditions of Steerage Travel in the Age of Mass Migration Rachel Davis Immigration rates to the United States skyrocketed from the years of 1850 to 1920, with over 25 million immigrants arriving on American shores. The treatment of the ship’s poorest passengers, is a fascinating topic throughout history, and historical texts about the mass immigration of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century do little to provide a clear picture. There are certain questions that one must ask each source in order to properly evaluate it: how does each source discuss the crossing? What is the central focus of each source? What region or culture does the source discuss most? Are there certain regional areas that are neglected in terms of the crossing? Then, how do these details tie into the overall portrayal of the third-class in history books? Faculty Mentor: Dr. Salvatore Mercogliano — History Watch the recording |
The Causation and Migration During the Trail of Tears Savannah Musto People from around the world have a conception of the Trail of Tears, however the question of what is truth versus fiction still remains. As time progresses our perceptions change along with more facts coming to light after historical events. The events that caused Native Indians to be forcibly removed from their lands are tumultuous and difficult to follow as time progresses. Andrew Jackson had long been seen as the one who caused the migration, yet many neglect to remember Martin Van Buren’s part as well. Some see Jackson’s presidency as horrendous because of this one event, yet one historian will argue that his policies saved the economy. The role of women during the Trail of Tears is also interesting for many reasons. One will be able to see how this role was altered due to the forcible removal but also how it was able to survive. Other issues discussed in this paper are the exclusion of tribes also involved during the Trail of Tears. The Cherokee have long been remembered as being the primary participants in the removal yet there were other tribes such as the Choctaw that were also removed. So why is it that certain tribes get more lime light than others? Perhaps it has to do with how historians view the migration itself, or it could be that those tribes were not as vocal. Exploring these topics will help one to better understand the migration and what exactly led up to the Trail of Tears itself. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Salvatore Mercogliano — History Watch the recording |
Formulation, Comparison, and Evaluation of Teeth Whitening Film Strips Sukanya Nagfernandes Oral health and hygiene plays a critical role in the overall well-being of an individual. The demand for whiter teeth is not only taking the social media by storm, but is also shifting the paradigm of practicing dentistry. It has also made people conscious about the importance of oral health and hygiene. Undergoing periodic teeth whitening regimen could help prevent gingivitis, periodontitis and potential loss of teeth, thus contributing greatly towards establishing oral hygiene (Margeas). Alongside maintaining oral health and hygiene, a set of pearly whites can boost an individual’s self-esteem, appearance and their longevity. An OTC (Over-The-Counter) Dentin® strip for teeth whitening is not only patient compliant, but also facilitates a quick onset of action and results in visibly whiter teeth. The objective of the experiment conducted was to formulate, compare and evaluate varying concentrations of Hydrogen peroxide to Carbamide peroxide, in a similar bio adhesive delivery system in order to strengthen the use of the later as a safer, less sensitive to surface microhardness and equally effective dentin bleaching agent. The comparison and evaluation for their ability to whiten teeth was conducted using stained hard-boiled eggs and measured using the renowned, VITA Classical Shade guide. (VITA, 2018) (Bouassida, M. 2017). The method employed involved formulating various concentrations of Hydrogen peroxide, 6.5% w/w and 13% w/w against an equivalent Hydrogen peroxide releasing analog, Carbamide peroxide 18.57% w/w and 37.14% w/w respectively. The evaluation of these four batches were done using extrinsically stained hard-boiled white eggs and the whitening efficiency was measured using a VITA Classical shade guide (VITA, 2018) (Margeas). All the four batches were also evaluated for thickness, pH, weight variation and folding endurance. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Mali R.Gupta — Pharmaceutical Sciences Watch the recording |
Does the Tactical Shuttle Test Compare With Validated Measures of Physical Fitness in Law Enforcement Special Operations Members? Thomas J. Labhart, John R. Magill Law enforcement special operations units require higher physical fitness standards than traditional law enforcement units, however the procedures utilized for assessing fitness can vary drastically. This study will utilize data from 50 special operations law enforcement members collected during a routine physical fitness assessment. The purpose of this study is to determine the usefulness of the tactical shuttle test (TST) in comparison to a composite battery of validated physical fitness tests. Data analyses will determine correlation between the TST and other physical fitness tests and whether the TST might represent an analog measure for multiple domains of physical fitness. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Bradley J. Myers — Physical Therapy Watch the recording |
Aversion to the Best: The Subtle Advances of Sloth Timothy Carl Williams Edmund Burke famously declared: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Given that ancient Christian spirituality describes "sloth" as avoidance of what is necessary and best, this vice presents an existential threat to both communities and individuals alike. This paper proposes that the despair and aggression evident in contemporary tragedies like mass shootings is rooted in sloth and its subtle encroachment upon marriages, families, and communities. In an age simultaneously characterized by both workaholism and ceaseless entertainment, identifying and remediating the effects of sloth is a pressing concern. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Cameron Jorgenson — Divinity Watch the recording |
A Study of the Relationship Between Opioid Deaths/Overdoses in NC Counties and Selected Socio-Demographic Variables of Each County Zachary Nichols, Amber Oakes, Sheel Shah, Chenoa Shelton Opioid abuse is a major public health issue. The purpose of this research is to determine if a relationship exists between unintentional opioid overdose deaths in NC counties and selected socio-demographic variables of each county, which include factors such as gender, race, age, education and income levels. Data for every NC county will be collected from online, publicly available resources and there are no confidentiality issues. Statistical methods of analysis will include using both descriptive and correlational statistics. This study is important because it could identify important directions for future research. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Bob Cisneros — Pharmacy Practice Watch the recording |