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Virtual Symposium 2017 Presentations: Academic Symposium Presentations

Virtual presentations from the 7th annual Wiggins Memorial Library Academic Symposium.

In addition to our Virtual Symposium presentations, some in-person presentations from the Academic Symposium were recorded for our Campbell Online community to view.  (View the full Academic Symposium schedule)


Recovering Christological Ecclesiology
Jackson Adamah

While the Trinity’s perichoretic and processional relationships cast a theological vision of the Church as a Trinitarian community, they fail to account for the concrete and embodied essence of its nature and mission as the Body of Christ. As a corrective, Christology must replace the Trinity as the foundation for ecclesiology. This is because the Church finds its ontological essence in Christology. Furthermore, through the sacraments of baptism and Eucharist, embodied Christology gives the Church its missiological identity as the Incarnation of Christ. Essentially, this paper attempts to redeem the Church and Trinity from the sociological projections of contemporary theologians.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Cameron Jorgenson, School of Divinity

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Hamstring Strain of D1 Collegiate Football Player
Nathan Ameen

Background: D1 football player rehabilitated from Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) repair reports an injury in hamstring of the surgical leg. Athlete left for summer internship and began unsafe exercise pushing through pain. Athletic Trainer observed edema with significant swelling and crepitus upon return to school. Differential Diagnosis: Myositis Ossificans; Grade 2 Hamstring Strain Treatment: Diagnostic Ultrasound showed possible boney tissue growth; MRI revealed irritation of hamstring graft location. Subject removed from activity and was rehabilitated with graded exercise and therapeutic modalities. Uniqueness: Diagnostic ultrasound not accurate. Athlete’s unsafe use of therapeutic modalities; effects of these activities still being researched.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sarah Christie , Exercise Science

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Can tNASP be used for cancer screening tests?
Chelsey Anderson

Tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) are proteins that elicit a humoral immune response when their expression is elevated in tumor progression. We have previously demonstrated that immunohistochemical detection of tNASP has high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity in ovarian cancer and prostate cancer cells and tissues. In the current project, ELISA is used to detect specific anti-tNASP serum antibodies in a variety of cancer tissue samples.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Oleg Alekseev, School of Medicine

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The Effect of Gun Control Laws on Mass Shootings in the United States 
Austen Brennan

This paper explores statistically the effects of increased gun control on the phenomena of mass public shootings in the United States. The paper examines first a random sampling of 21 U.S. states of varying populations and regions of the country, all 50 states, and the 25 states that have experienced a mass public shooting within the past decade. The aim of this paper is to analyze whether or not states with stricter gun control laws have fewer mass public shootings and thereby assess the effectiveness of stricter gun control laws in preventing mass public shootings.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. David Thornton , Political Science

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Negative Effects of Probation Relating to the Fourth Amendment and Ways to Improve the Public Views of Probation 
Charlotte Doran

This paper/project will look at the negative effects of probation relating to the Fourth Amendment. I will also research recommendations of ways to improve how this is handled and how the public views probation. By the conclusion, it will be determined if the Fourth Amendment should still be upheld for someone on probation/parole or if these individuals have lost that right due to the crime they committed.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Amanda M. Sharp Parker, Homeland Security

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The Last Port in the Storm 
Andrew J. Franklin

This paper examines the important role played by the Wilmington, North Carolina port, the last standing Southern port of the American Civil War. This presentation will highlight the importance of the port by discussing: Wilmington’s effective use of defensive coastal fortifications; the exploitation of unique geographic features in the area, as well as Europe’s role in aiding the Confederacy by smuggling supplies into Wilmington aboard blockade-runners. An analysis of each of these points will shed light on Wilmington’s significant role in perpetuating the Confederate war effort.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jaclyn Stanke , History

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Data Analysis of 2016 Presidential Election in North Carolina 
Sarah Schneider and Monica Hammond 

This study collects demographic data from each county in North Carolina. It analyzes the correlation and multi-regression between the presidential election results and several factors including race, sex, age, education, income, poverty, and living location in the counties. Some popular claims are also tested.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sidong "Max" Zhang , Mathematics

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The Room of Mirrors: Bellefleur and Women’s Liberation 
Lydia Huth

Novelist Joyce Carol Oates believed that the women’s liberation movement would help women to “lose the self-hypnotizing room of mirrors” created by seeing themselves through society’s eyes. Oates’ Gothic novel Bellefleur features this “room” where female characters constantly struggle for approval within stifling boundaries crafted to support male supremacy. Three women strive to free themselves from these expectations, and their attempts suggest that liberation is achieved through a balance between femininity and masculinity. Oates shows that it is possible to define ourselves by our personal beliefs, even when initially forced to see ourselves through a lens of race or gender.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sherry Truffin, English

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Due process rights of terror suspects, immigrants, and war prisoners 
Madison Jones

This presentation focus on the inalienable rights of American citizens described in documents such as the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence in reference to the transfer of these rights to persons on American soil or associated with the country including illegal immigrants, terrorists, American prisoners of war, and soldiers on United States military bases located in other countries.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Catherine Cowling , Criminal Justice

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Biblical Crime and Punishment: Dangerous Animals, Negligence, and Liability 
Candace Kinney-Wood

One of commonly known commandments, Thou Shalt Not Kill (Exodus 20:13), goes for the “goring ox” too. The slaughter of a human being by an animal is deemed punishable in biblical text (Exodus 21:28-36). Historical accounts of animal trails have been documented for mainly homicidal murder and bestiality, as late as the early twentieth century. Who was held liable, the animal or the owner? The following research takes on a comparison and contrast approach to evaluating our modern day legal code and the biblical text provides an interesting perspective of crime and punishment, then and now.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Amanda M. Sharp Parker, Homeland Security

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An Assessment of the Prevalence of Gangs in North Carolina 
Dallas Kivett

Over the past several years there has been a steady population increase in North Carolina. It has become the tenth most populated state in the union, this is the result of a steady flow of migrants from across the country and immigrants from outside the United States. The same reasons that have made North Carolina attractive to new businesses and travelers, have also made it attractive to gangs. Ranging from ethnic street gangs, to outlaw motorcycle gangs, and white supremacist groups North Carolina has a prevalent wide variety of gangs.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Amanda M. Sharp Parker , Homeland Security

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Does God Have a Case Against America? 
Tyler Kliewer

This research focuses on an exegesis of Micah 6:1-8. In this text, one can catch a glimpse of Micah’s pointed message in our time. This message is a cry for justice and obedience to God in the face of injustice, pride, and self-idolatry. The presentation will focus on this passage’s theological implications. This includes contextual analysis and formal analysis of the passage. The majority of the presentation will be a detailed analysis and exploration of theological questions in the passage, attempting to answer the question “Does God Have a Case Against America?

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Tony W. Cartledge, Divinity

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Complications of Synthetic Surgical Mesh 
Danny Koh, Victoria Lipinski, Kathryn Smid, and Kelsey Staudinger

During anatomy dissection of a 77-year-old male, a mass was found in association with synthetic mesh presumed to have been used to repair an abdominal wall hernia. It is estimated that approximately 100,000 abdominal wall hernia repairs are performed annually in the US. With these repairs, synthetic mesh is most effective at preventing recurrence; however, patients can be exposed to surgical complications, such as pain, fibrosis, and infection. The mass found in the cadaver was investigated and determined to be a host response to the synthetic mesh.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Bonnie Brenseke , School of Medicine

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Athletes: Airing It Out and Speaking Their Minds 
Andrew Lackey

This paper takes an in-depth look at athletes and the role they play in speaking out against problems they see in society. For many decades, athletes - professional and collegiate - have had a platform that allows them to reach many different audiences. Athletes speaking out have caused reactions across different departments in organizations, as well as from different agencies and businesses. Discussed are examples from the 1968 Olympics, the NFL, and the NBA. This paper's purpose is to take an objective look at different instances in which athletes have used their platform to speak out publicly and whether or not they have the right to do this while representing their employers.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sal Mercogliano, History

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Stress and Physical Activity 
Timothy Mangum Jr.

Participants in this study were given a 30-item stress overload assessment as well a physical activity questionnaire. Stress assessment will be graded for two components, event load and personal vulnerability. Physical activity will be measured for three components, those being personal barriers, outcome expectations, and self-regulation. The goal of the study was to see if there was a correlation between stress and physical activity in college students. A preliminary study found that there was not a significant relationship between physical activity and stress; however, there were significant sub-correlations between the 3 components of physical activity.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jutta Street, Psychology

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Expanding the Southern Canon: The Case for Jim Wayne Miller 
Austin Maynor

In his lifetime, Jim Wayne Miller - poet, novelist, essayist born in Leicester, NC - produced an impressive body of literature contributing to the field of Appalachian Culture Studies. However, he has yet to find his place within the larger canon of Southern literature. Through original research that includes personal interviews with Miller's wife and sister, Austin Maynor assesses the current state of Miller scholarship - a wide-open field for exploring topics such as Miller's unorthodox approach to Protestantism, the loss of a grandfather on his artistic process, and the persona of the Brier through which Miller voiced many of his ideals.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gina Peterman, English

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Paget Schrotter Syndrome in a Division I Collegiate Softball Player 
Ruth Pacheco

A 19-year-old collegiate softball player presented with a five-day history of low grade fevers and a knot in her left axilla. The subject was referred to the emergency room when she noticed a black line forming from her subclavian down her left extremity. A CAT Scan and US showed an occlusive thrombus of the left subclavian, axillary, and brachial veins. The subject was diagnosed with Paget Schrotter Syndrome and underwent surgical procedures to correct these issues. Paget Schrotter Syndrome is very rare, only accounting for 10-20% of all UE DVT’s.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sarah Christie, Exercise Science

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Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities in Healthcare Networks 
Lina Poindexter

Healthcare networks have increased their interconnectivity to keep up with technological trends and effectively treat their patients. Due to rapid implementation and lack of extensive testing on electronic health records and other medical devices, healthcare networks experienced unprecedented attacks on their weak portals, providing hackers access to private patient information. This qualitative research project focused on interviewing healthcare professionals as well as cybersecurity experts to assess their understanding of technological threats confronting the healthcare sector. Through dialogue and general analysis of healthcare cybersecurity systems, various opportunities abound to bolster a balanced approach to patient’s privacy, security, and quality of care.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Bob Cisneros, Pharmacy Practice

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Utopia or Nightmare?: Milton's Paradise Lost and Joss Whedon's Angel 
Jaimee Sharp

In both John Milton’s Paradise Lost and Joss Whedon's series, Angel, apocalypses are depicted that change the nature of the world, and the knowledge and freedom of those who live in it. One approach to Milton’s narrative is the idea of the Felix Culpa, or fortunate fall, meaning that man’s fall and gaining of knowledge brought the promise of free will and redemption in Christ, along with an eventual return to paradise. In Angel, Whedon creates an Infelix Culpa, where demons seek to remove humanity’s free will and bring the promise of destruction and evil, returning the world to its original state, the garden of demon.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Rambo, English

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Matthew 12:46-50 and Mark 3:31-35: Jesus’ Redefinition of Family
Ariane Smith

In Matthew 12:46-50 and Mark 3:31-35, Jesus teaches that a Christian’s loyalty must first be to the family of God rather than the biological family. A Christian may have to abandon his or her earthly family in order to follow Christ; however, Christ in turn provides him or her with a new, spiritual family of believers of which God is the Father. While aiding biological families in their relationships with one another has great significance, ministers must not forget the significance of growing and strengthening the family of God.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ken Vandergriff, Christian Studies

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Processing of Juvenile Suspects: How age can change the processing of criminals 
Keyonna Smith

In the last few years there have been several changes in criminal procedure within the United States. One area that has not received much change is the procedure for dealing with juveniles versus adults. This paper will explore the contrast between the two from the arrest process through the court proceedings, as well as the rights that the accused possess throughout. The rights of juveniles have come a long way as juvenile courts have continuously become more formally recognized by the states. This paper will research and analyze the euphemisms we utilize in cases of juvenile matters as well as the procedures and steps we take in handling them in comparison to adults entering.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Catherine Cowling, Criminal Justice

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An Examination of the Psychology Department at Campbell University
Leslie Williams

I am conducting a program assessment of the psychology department at Campbell University by using a questionnaire to analyze undergraduate psychology students’ perception of their department. Demographic variables to be examined are gender, race, ethnicity, and number of classes taken. The examination of the program will be broken into four parts: 1. Academic environment, 2. Program content and structure, 3. Coursework, and 4. Facilities and services.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jutta Street, Psychology

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