Children's books reflect the issues and topics in society. The Children's Literature guide, including the Schneider Family Book Award tab, highlights stories about children experiencing a disability.
Children's books are powerful tools and resources for teaching, learning, and sharing societal issues. This example is a book published by the American Psychological Association. It includes guides for parents, caregivers, teachers, and social workers modelling language, conversation starters, activities to do with students to address homelessness, and additional resources.
Compendium of demographic, economic, and social statistics for the United States. Includes statistics on foreign countries as well. Best onen-stop shopping for summary statistics on the U.S. The Official Stat Abstract is being discontinued by the Census Bureau due to budget restrictions.
Provides specific demographic information based on both census data and the American Community Survey data. More current than the full decennial census.
Wealth of statistics on employment, wages, etc. for the US. Provides data to a very specific geographic level.
Provides both current and some historical census information. American Factfinder allows you to get a snapshot of a specific place.
Numbers of people employed and paid in arts organizations. Compare with other cities. By zip and NAICS code – employment and wages
Panel survey carried out in Europe by the UNECE. Data can be downloaded for various countries on a number of topics - labor, culture, education, etc.
Quantitative historical data covering American population, work and welfare, economic structure, governance, and international relations from colonial times to the present.
Measures 60 indicators - economic, educational, political, etc. - towards the UN's Millennnium Development Goals.
"The Project’s mission is to provide research and analysis on the health of marriage in America, to analyze the social and cultural forces shaping contemporary marriage, and to identify strategies to increase marital quality and stability."
The PSID is a longitudinal survey of a representative sample of US individuals and the families in which they reside. It has been ongoing since 1968.
Private non-profit which collects data to inform people about health, population, and environmental issues.
Interactive Maps and Reports provide easy access to demographic information about the United States. Data comes from the Census beginning in 1790 and from the Religious Congregations and Membership Study beginning in 1980. Also has crime and health data.
More than 450 statistical time series for countries from around the world covering a wide range of economic and socio-demographic topics.