The Charts That Changed the World. (2011). Harvard Business Review, 89(12), 34–35.Once in a while,... a chart so deftly captures an important strategic insight that it becomes an iconic part of management thinking--and a tool that shows up in MBA classrooms and corporate boardrooms for years to come. As HBR prepares for its 90th anniversary, in 2012, our editors have combed the magazine archives and other sources to select some charts that changed the shape of strategy: THE GROWTH SHARE MATRIX by Boston Consulting Group in 1968 | THE EXPERIENCE CURVE by Boston Consulting Group in 1966 | THE FIVE FORCES by Michael Porter in 1979 | DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION by Clayton M. Christensen and Joseph L. Bower in 1995 | THE MARKETING PYRAMID by C.K. Prahalad and Kenneth Lieberthal in 1998.