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Andragogy in Correctional Education: General Resources / Databases

Resources for teaching adult students in a correctional facility.

Relevant Written Works on Correctional Education: Cumulative List


Alewine, H. S. (2010). Andragogical Methods and Readiness for the Correctional Ged Classroom. Journal of Correctional Education, 61(1), 9-22.

Appleman, D. (2013). Teaching in the Dark: The Promise and Pedagogy of Creative Writing in Prison. English Journal, 102(4), 24-30.

Becktold, T. H. (2001). Brain Based Instruction in Correctional Settings: Strategies for Teachers. Journal of Correctional Education, 52(3), 95-97.

Behan, C. (2007). Context, Creativity and Critical Reflection: Education in Correctional Institutions. Journal of Correctional Education, 58(2), 157-169.

Bowers, F. B., & Gehring, T. (2004). Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi: 18th Century Swiss Educator and Correctional Reformer. Journal of Correctional Education, 55(4), 306-319.

Butcher, S. E. (2006). Narrative as a Teaching Strategy. Journal of Correctional Education, 57(3), 195-208.

Cantora, A., Miller, J., & White, K. (2020). Implementing Pell: Challenges and Successes of Implementing the U.S. Department of Education's Second Chance Pell Experimental Sites Initiative. Journal of Correctional Education, 71(1), 2-17.

Capettini, E., & Sorkin Rabinowitz, N. (2021). Classics and Prison Education in the US. Taylor & Francis Group. 10.4324/9781003018629

Cassidy, L., Reggio, K., Shaywitz, B. A., Holahan, J. M., & Shaywitz, S. E. (2021). Dyslexia in Incarcerated Men and Women: A New Perspective on Reading Disability in the Prison Population. Journal of Correctional Education, 72(2), 61-81.

Cates, R. M., Hall, B. J., Broughton, J., Reeves, A., Ringwelski, F. H., Zaro, K., Richards, J., & Roberts, L. (2020). “Building that World”: Movements of Vision in the Carceral Classroom. Radical Teacher (Cambridge), 118(118), 41-99. 10.5195/rt.2020.713

Collier, V. P., & Thomas, W. P. (2001). Educating Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students in Correctional Settings. Journal of Correctional Education, 52(2), 68-73.

Dewey, S., Codallos, K., Barry, R., Drenkhahn, K., Glover, M., Muthig, A., Roberts, S. L., & Abbott, B. (2020). Higher Education in Prison: A Pilot Study of Approaches and Modes of Delivery in Eight Prison Administrations. Journal of Correctional Education, 71(1), 57-89.

Education behind Bars: Opportunities and Obstacles. (1994). ().

Ergin, G. (2021). Prison Education Characteristics and Classroom Management by Prison Teachers. SEEU Review, 16(2), 104-113. 10.2478/seeur-2021-0023

Erisman, W., & Contardo, J. B. (2005). Learning to reduce recidivism: A 50-state analysis of postsecondary education policy

Faulk, N. (2014). The Importance of Academic and Ethical Education for Inmates. Corrections Today, 76(6), 24-25.

Frank, J. B., Omstead, J., & Pigg, S. A. (2012). The Missing Link: Service-Learning as an Essential Tool for Correctional Education. Journal of Correctional Education, 63(1), 24-34.

Gehring, T. (1997). Post-Secondary Education for Inmates: An Historical Inquiry. Journal of Correctional Education, 48(2), 46-55.

Gehring, T. (2000). A Compendium of Material on the Pedagogy-Andragogy Issue. Journal of Correctional Education, 51(1), 151-163.

Hall, L. L. (2015). Correctional Education and Recidivism: Toward a Tool for Reduction. Journal of Correctional Education, 66(2), 4-29.

Hartnett, S. J., Novek, E., Wood, J. K., Coogan, D., Engstrom, C. L., Faris, J., Hartnett, S. J., Hinck, E. A., Hinck, S. S., & McCann, B. J. (2013). Working for Justice: A Handbook of Prison Education and Activism. University of Illinois Press. 10.5406/j.ctt2ttdwk

Hellman, Y., Oganesyan, A., & Gutierrez Jr., A. (2016). Best Practices in Education for Mentally Ill Inmates: Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's Education Based Incarceration Unit. Corrections Today, 78(1), 34-39.

Johnson, L. M. (2011). Experiencing Corrections: From Practitioner to Professor. SAGE Publications, Incorporated. 10.4135/9781452243948

Kim, R. H., & Clark, D. (2013). The effect of prison-based college education programs on recidivism: Propensity Score Matching approach. Journal of Criminal Justice, 41(3), 196-204. 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2013.03.001

Koo, A. (2016). Correctional Education can make a Greater Impact on Recidivism by Supporting Adult Inmates with Learning Disabilities. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 105(1), 233-269.

Mageehon, A. (2006). What Makes a "Good" Teacher "Good" Women in Transition From Prison to Community Reflect. Journal of Correctional Education, 57(2), 145-157.

Martin, P. (1994). Literature lessons from prison. (experiences of a teacher conducting literature course in prison). The Chronicle of Higher Education, 40(33), B3.

Mastrorilli, M. E. (2016). With Pell Grants Rising: A Review of the Contemporary Empirical Literature on Prison Postsecondary Education. Journal of Correctional Education, 67(2), 44-60.

Matthews, S. (2000). Each Day is a Challenge: Paving the Way for Success in the Prison Classroom. Journal of Correctional Education, 51(1), 179-182.

McKinney, D., & Cotronea, M. A. (2011). Using Self Determination Theory in Correctional Education Program Development. Journal of Correctional Education, 62(3), 175-193.

Meyer, S. J. (2011). Factors Affecting Student Success in Postsecondary Academic Correctional Education Programs. Journal of Correctional Education, 62(2), 132-164.

Murphy, J. (2002). Teaching on the Inside: A Survival Handbook for the New Correctional Educator (Book). Journal of Correctional Education, 53(3), 88.

Muse, F. M. (2001). A Look at Teaching to Learning Styles: Is It Really Worth the Effort? Journal of Correctional Education, 52(1), 5.

Muth, B. (2008). Radical Conversations: Part One Social-Constructivist Methods in the ABE Classroom. Journal of Correctional Education (1974), 59(3), 261-281.

Nelson, N. J. (2007). The Design and Implementation of an Education Program for African American Inmates. Journal of Correctional Education, 58(3), 262-267.

Parrotta, K. L., & Thompson, G. H. (2011). Sociology of the Prison Classroom: Marginalized Identities and Sociological Imaginations behind Bars. Teaching Sociology; Teach Sociol, 39(2), 165-178. 10.1177/0092055X11400440

Roessger, K. M., Liang, X., Weese, J., & Parker, D. (2021). Examining Moderating Effects on the Relationship Between Correctional Education and Post-Release Outcomes. Journal of Correctional Education, 72(1), 13-42.

Ross, M. W. (2011). Pedagogy for Prisoners: An Approach to Peer Health Education for Inmates. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 17(1), 6-18. 10.1177/1078345810378251

Saxton, M. (2016). Teaching Human Rights in Jail. Radical Teacher (Cambridge), 104(104), 48-54. 10.5195/rt.2016.239

Scott, D. (2017). Developing the Prison-to-School Pipeline: A Paradigmatic Shift in Educational Possibilities During an Age of Mass Incarceration. Journal of Correctional Education, 68(3), 41-52.

Steurer, S. (2000). Best Practices: The Correctional Education Program, Maryland State Department of Education. Journal of Correctional Education, 51(1), 165-167.

Tone and Demeanor in Correctional Education. (2002). Journal of Correctional Education, 53(2), 64.

Tootoonchi, A. (1993). College education in prisons: The inmates' perspectives. Federal Probation, 57(4), 34.

Trounstine, J. (2008). Beyond Prison Education. PMLA : Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 123(3), 674-677. 10.1632/pmla.2008.123.3.674

Winters, C. A. (2000). Promising Practices in Adult Correctional Education. Journal of Correctional Education, 51(4), 312.

Wright, M. C. (2001). Pell Grants, Politics and the Penitentiary: connections Between the Development of U. S. Higher Education and Prisoner Post-Secondary Programs. Journal of Correctional Education, 52(1), 11.

Wright, R. (2005). Going to Teach in Prisons: Culture Shock. Journal of Correctional Education, 56(1), 19-38.

Wright, R. L. (2000). Justice with Her Eyes Wide Open: Situated Knowledges, Diversity and Correctional Education in the Post Modern Era--Part I. Journal of Correctional Education, 51(4), 348.

Zaro, D. (2000). The Self Actualized Correctional Educator. Journal of Correctional Education, 51(1), 191-193.

Zaro, D. (2002). Teaching Strategies for the Self-Actualized Correctional Educator. Journal of Correctional Education, 53(3), 112-115.

Databases for Correctional Education Resources

Books of Interest in Correctional Education

Population Considerations in Correctional Education

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