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Welcome to Research Guides!

This Research Guide provides assistance that is tailored to this specific course. Additional detailed support for this semester's assignments may be provided at the Library content area on this course's Blackboard site. Please check out each tab across the top of this page, and each box within each page - contact me if you need further assistance.

Assistance with APA Documentation

Dan's Research Assistance Desk Hours:

Monday 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Wiggins Research Assistance Desk (first floor Wiggins)

Tuesday 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Wiggins Research Assistance Desk

Wednesday 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Wiggins Research Assistance Desk

Thursday no Research Assistance Desk hours

Friday 10 am - 12 noon Wiggins Research Assistance Desk

Desk hours subject to change

Other hours by appointment 

No office hours during holidays, breaks, or weekends.

Creek Bucks

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Dan Maynard
Wiggins Memorial Library