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2018 Symposium Schedule: Virtual Symposium

Please join us for the Virtual Symposium!

The Virtual Symposium, an outgrowth of the 8th Annual Wiggins Memorial Library Academic Symposium, provides a unique opportunity for our online students to share their research with the Campbell community.  The Virtual Symposium is a pilot for our online community, with the hopes of expanding the program to Campbell's extended campuses.

Virtual Symposium

Symposium 2018


Oral Presentations, 9am-4pm
Poster Presentations, 4pm-5:15pm
Art Exhibits, 4pm-5:15pm​
Reception, 5:15pm-6pm
Closing Awards Ceremony, 6pm-6:30pm

Virtual Symposium 2018 Presentations

Student presenters from Adult & Online Education programs were nominated by a professor and created a video presentation of their work.  Just like our in-person Symposium, presentations were evaluated by faculty judges, with student presenters eligible for awards.

Displays of Various Levels of Aggression: Adolescents Versus Adults
Justin Anderson, Fort Bragg

Differences in levels of aggression were witnessed at a shopping mall to determine if there was a significant difference between adolescents and adults over the age of 40 in how often aggression was displayed. Instances where an instigator—one who happened to be in the way of the subjects—was present were utilized to determine these shows of aggression. Levels of aggression assessed were classified as overt aggression, passive aggression, or no aggression. Adolescents displayed higher levels of both overt and passive aggression, while older adults showed more instances of no aggression. These findings indicated that adolescents are more likely to display signs of aggression than older adults. 

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Katherine Van Allen, Psychology

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Utilizing Differentiation in the Classroom
Summer Barefoot, Campbell Online

Today’s classrooms are made up of diverse groups of students from every walk of life. This diversity will impact the way that students acquire knowledge. Differentiated instruction can help address the academic needs of every learner because of the variety of learning styles and varying levels of learning within a classroom. Differentiated instruction is an important aspect to learning in the 21st century. 

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Terrie Bethea-Hampton, Professional Education

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The Terrorist James Jackson: Radicalization via Unfreezing
Lindsay Chinn, Campbell Online

James Jackson, a self-proclaimed white supremacist was ultimately charged with murder as an act of terrorism at the age of twenty-eight. His crime was the devastating ending to his racial thoughts and Crazed psyche. During all my research involving James Jackson one word replayed through my mind, unfreezing. This stuck with me through the weeks of research. I found Jackson’s story to be the epitome of unfreezing: radicalization to escape fear or pain, or to escape disconnection (McCauley, Moskalenko; 2017). I contemplate if there was a traumatic event that arose causing him to snap. I pondered if we as psychologist could prepare children in school with the tools and avenues to explore when faced with disconnection, to differ them from being susceptible to luring radical groups?

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Guy Vitaglione, Psychology

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 The Relationship of Age and Conformity in a Group Yoga Class
Katherine Huynh, Campbell Online

This presentation examines the hypothesis that older participants in fitness classes modify movements while younger participants conform. Younger adults exert the most challenging variation because it is not perceived as the norm to modify. Participants in several mixed level yoga classes were observed at a yoga studio. The result of this study shows a relationship between age and conformity. Obesity is prevalent in the United States costing billions of dollars and a study like this could motivate individuals to increase their health and well-being. By taking small steps towards good health, we can make a large impact on society.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Katherine Van Allen, Psychology

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 Learning Strategies for Elementary Students
Sheronda Rone, Campbell Online

This paper was written to explore different learning strategies for students in elementary school. After doing extensive research on how students in this age group learn, I was able to narrow down three learning strategies that are believed to be among the best. As educators it is our highest priority to ensure that students are able to learn and retain the information that we present to them. Without effective teaching and learning strategies, it is impossible for students to learn. 

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Terrie Bethea-Hampton, Professional Education

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