If you need to find information about a country or region of the world, this is a list of resources that the library has for you. Keep in mind that current events may render some of the older information in the collection out of date, look at the information that you need and consider how important timely information is for you.
The CamelCat can find books containing information on various countries. To find this information, do a browse search of subject headings containing the Country's name (i.e. Germany). The results will show subject headings containing this Country. Look for subheadings that may be useful for your research. For example, if you were interested in finding information on the Reunification of Germany you would want to find the heading Germany -- History -- Unification, 1990.
Remember, books that have a call number starting with REF are in the reference room and cannot be checked out.
These books are all reference books and may not be checked out of the library. You may use them in the library, make copies and scan them, but they cannot leave the building.