U1-900 Military science (General)
U21-22.3 War. Philosophy. Military sociology
U150-155 Military planning
U161-163 Strategy
U164-167.5 Tactics
U168 Logistics
U250-255 Maneuvers (combined arms)
U260 Joint operations. Combined operations
U261 Amphibious warfare
U262 Commando tactics
U310-310.2 War games
U320-325 Physical training of soldiers
U400-714 Military education and training
U750-773 Military life, manners and customs, antiquities, etc.
U799-897 History of arms and armor
UA10-997 Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation
UA21-885 By region or country
UA910-915 Mobilization
UA920-925 Plans for attack and defense
UA926-929 Civil defense
UA940-945 Military communication
UD1-495 Infantry
UD157-302 Tactics. Maneuvers. Drill regulations
UE147 Armored cavalry
UE157-302 Tactics. Maneuvers. Drill regulations
UF1-910 Artillery
UG1-620 Military engineering
UG622-1435 Air forces. Air warfare
UH20-910 Other services
UH20-25 Chaplains
UH201-515 Medical and sanitary services
UH520-(560) Care of sick and wounded. Relief societies
UH600-629.5 Military hygiene and sanitation
UH700-705 Public relations. Press. War correspondents
UH750-769 Military social work. Social welfare services
UH800-910 Recreation and information services
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