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MGMT 320 MJ Principles of Management: Your CSR Research Paper

Guide prepared for Milicia Johnson, Ph.D. by Dan Maynard

Getting Started


Form groups: Students will be assigned to a group by Dr. Johnson. 

WK 2: Select your company from the Best Global Brands Rankings list. Email Dr. Johnson the name of the company your Group is researching for your Group Research Project on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Due by the end of week 2.

Any Questions? Email Dan Maynard to schedule a time to discuss your CSR paper at 

WK 5: Draft CSR Paper. This assignment allows you to practice proofreading your work for APA style. Using the APA Template found in the LibGuide, include a completed title page, the label for the executive summary page, and pages that include all recommended labels and headings. Include text for the introduction and headings with in-text citations and references.  Any tables or figures must be presented in APA style following the references page (not inserted in the text). The Business Librarian will mark-up and email this assignment back to you. Upload a MS Word version of your draft on Bb, non-MS Word formats will not be marked-up. Single submission. Have one person submit for the group. Dr. Johnson will award a participation grade for submitting the draft. Due by the end of week 5.

WK 8: CSR Group Research Project (Team Paper & Presentation). Due the Saturday of week 8 by 11:59 pm.

Guidelines for this assignment

Group Research Project:  This is a group project on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for a company of your choice and is to be completed at the end of the semester.  This group assignment meets one of the accreditation requirements for Campbell University.  Therefore, this must be done as a group and not as an individual assignment. 

You will be assigned to groups of 3-5.  Each Group will write one paper and prepare one PowerPoint presentation.  The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) paper and PowerPoint will be due by the end of week 8.

The paper must include at least 4-6 pages of text, plus a title page, an executive summary, and a reference page.  You may include tables, figures, and appendices as well.  Format your paper in APA style; the CSR template is already created for you.  Ensure to document your sources in APA style using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) or the "APA Style" tab located on this LibGuide. The Publication Manual is available at most academic and public libraries, and book sellers.

Select your company from the Best Global Brands Rankings list.  Research your company and use the analysis from your paper to prepare a 10-minute group PowerPoint presentation about your company’s efforts to be a socially responsible corporation.  You must also incorporate audio of your group members or a representative of your group narrating some of the slides.  The PowerPoint presentation must have audio. 

The research paper/presentation is 20% of the student’s final grade.  Students will have the opportunity to submit their paper for APA feedback prior to the due date.  More details will be provided in the course room. 

Go to the "Getting Started" box on this LbGuide and download and use the APA Template to format your Group research paper.

The APA Template is mapped to each level of the CSR Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility that should be cited in your paper.  Research your company and use the analysis in your your paper to prepare a 10-minute group PowerPoint presentation about your company’s efforts to be a Socially Responsible Corporate Citizen. 

Core Literature and Foundational Readings

QUICK START: Research Materials

Below are four good places to start your research. Be sure to also look through the tabs on this Guide, the company website, and other locations for additional materials.

Scope Note