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MGMT 320 EF Principles of Management: Home Fall 2021

Guide prepared for Edward I. Fubara, Ph.D. by Dan Maynard


Weekly Micro-Presentation Topics

WK1 OPEN - Introduction

WK2 The Exceptional Manager

WK 3 Management Theory

WK4 Ethical Responsibilities

WK 5 Global Management

WK 6 Planning

WK7 Strategic Management

WK8 OPEN CSR Paper and Presentation due Friday, October 8, 2021 at 9:00 am (20 points)

WK9 Organizational Culture, Structure and Design

WK10 Organizational Change

WK11 Managing Individual Differences

WK12 Groups and Teams

WK13 Control


WK15 Group Presentations



Weekly Micro-Presentations: Each week approximately 3 students will deliver [individual] presentations on a current issue related to the week's topic, Review at least two articles on the issue from reputable sources, and organize your findings into a brief PowerPoint presentation. The presentation should highlight the facts of the case, some interesting issues, maybe some puzzling questions and some lessons learned. It should be relevant to the week's course material [e.g. the Micro-Presentation topic for the week you do your presentation].You will briefly (5-10 minutes) discuss your research with the class and submit your presentation to the instructor. The PowerPoint file should include a full citation for the articles consulted [see the 'APA style' page on this LibGuide].

Final Group Presentation: The Group selects a contemporary event (a case), development or article and presents how it relates to one of the chapters/topics in the course [e.g. one of the Micro-Presentation topics].. 15 minute presentation, pre-recorded and submitted on Blackboard. Presentation platform may include: adding audio to a PowerPoint deck, Panopto/YouTube video, etc. 

CSR Group Presentation Assignment (introduction WK 5, due WK 8)

Using the Pyramid of Social Responsibility, prepare a 10-minute group PowerPoint presentation and a two-page paper about one company’s efforts to be a Socially Responsible citizen.

  1. Identify a company from the InterBrand Global 100 you would like to research (sign up on Blackboard)
  2. Research their efforts on each level of the pyramid
  3. Determine whether or not the company is behaving ethically in each area of responsibility (CSR)
  4. Prepare a Power Point with your findings (one slide for each part of the pyramid).  Also submit a two-page write up of your findings.
  5. Use/list a minimum of 3 sources (one can be the company website).
  6. Determine whether or not this is a socially responsible company, based on your research

Getting Started

See the Periodicals tab for library subscriptions to articles on your topic.

See the APA style tab for how to write the full citation for your articles.

Dan's office hours

Wiggins Library Reference Desk: T-W-TR 8:00am - 10:30am (WML  231 and via "Chat" from the "Ask a Librarian" icon on the Wiggins Memorial Library homepage).

School of Business: Please e-mail me to schedule an appointment  (Room 118, across from the POD).

Hours subject to change. Other hours available by appointment (contact me by email)

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Dan Maynard
Wiggins Memorial Library

Scope Notes

MGMT 320 21FA1 MC01, no Bb. A study of the effective application of planning, organizing, leading and controlling human and economic resources under the free enterprise system. Weekly student Micro-Presentations and a final group Presentation.