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HCM 400 LP Healthcare Management : Final paper guidelines

Built for Dr. LeJon Poole by Dan Maynard

Final paper guidelines & Research Report Evaluation Criteria

Final Paper

There is one writing assignment, which incorporates the concepts covered in the book. The paper should be 7 to 10 pages in length, double-spaced, using Times Roman Font 12, with standard 1” margins. List any articles, publications or websites used to gather information.  Cite the publication, date, and page number or the website address in your list of references. A minimum of 3 credible references are required. All papers must be submitted via Blackboard or submitted at the beginning of class on the due date.

The paper should cover a contemporary healthcare topic.  You should incorporate seminal information included in the text to formulate your thesis and guide the direction of your paper. A list of possible topics is listed below:

Electronic Medical Records

Niche Hospitals

Affordable Care Act


Reproductive therapy


Evidence-Based Medicine

Health Disparities

Entrepreneurship in Healthcare




HCM 400: Healthcare Management


    _____ Develops comprehensive overview of the main ideas of the text in a clear and concise introduction (5pts).

               Develops an overview that captures most of the main ideas of the text (3pts).

               Presents a vague summary that misses main points or includes details as main points (0-1pt).

 BACKGROUND OF THE ISSUE             (3 points)

    _____  Clearly presents relevant historical information that provides context for the issue to be analyzed (3pts).

               Presents a context that highlights numerous key factors behind the issue at hand (2pts).

               Provides little relevant information and/or elaborates upon irrelevant facts that aren’t connected to the issue (0-1pt).

 THESIS STATEMENT    (4 points)

    _____  Clearly identifies the purpose of the report, articulating the central theme of the analysis (4 pts).

               The thesis statement is identified but not well explained or understood (2-3pts).

               Fails to state the purpose or lacks clear thesis statement (0-1pt).


    _____  Interpretations of facts pose reasonable arguments, demonstrating clear coherence and progression of ideas that are well tought out and supported with evidence. Analysis consistently conveys critical thinking and personal insight (16-20pts).

               Shows forethought in organization of ideas which speak to the assignment and are fairly well explained with supporting evidence and logical arguments (10-15pts).

               Thesis and organization need improvement.  Ideas are relevant, but not well explained or consistently supported (5-9pts).

               Thesis is unclear, organization is lacking, with no clear structure.  Ideas are generally underdeveloped, redundant, irrelevant, or illogical (0-4pts).

 CONCLUSION               (5 points)

    _____  Revisits thesis statement and accurately summarizes key points of argument in concise, fresh restatements (4-5pts).

               Key points of the analysis are identified, but are loosely or not sufficiently tied together in support of the central thesis (2-3pts).

               Summary of argument is missing or new ideas are introduced (0-1pt).

 REFERENCE LIST                    (3 points)

    _____  Research is fully annotated, including at least three credible references that are cited throughout the paper in a consistent format (3pts).

               At least three credible sources are referenced, with minor errors in citation and formatting (2pts).

               Less than three sources identified and/or numerous errors in citation and formatting (0-1pt).  


    _____  Presents paper employing words with fluency, using varied and accurate vocabulary, and is practically free of errors in sentence structure, grammar, spelling and punctuation (8-10pts).

               Paper exhibits adequate but inconsistent use of language, with some errors in sentence structure and use of grammatical conventions, such as work choice, usage, spelling and punctuation (4-7pts).

               Paper displays fundamental errors in word choice, usage and sentence structure, containing pervasive errors in mechanical conventions of grammar, spelling, and punctuation (0-3pts).

Total Score                        /50