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EXER 230: History of American Sport: Home

Off-Campus Access


As you gather your research for your paper, please know that I am available for help.  Here is how you can reach out for help

  1. 24-7 Chat with a librarian
  2. Email me with your questions
  3. Set up a virtual meeting with me  (select virtual meeting room)
  4. Post your question on the discussion board in your EXER 230 Bb course


Welcome!! This guide is meant to help you with your upcoming Sports History paper.  You are being asked to write a 1500 word (minimum) paper.  You are required to utilize at least 5 sources (only 1 internet sources).  This guide will help with locating the sources you need:

  • The Peer Reviewed tab has resources to help you understand what a peer review source is and how to find them
  • The Library Resources tab you will find places to go for e-books, journal articles and newspapers/magazines. 
  • The Web Resources tab you will find a list of websites you may want to use. 
  • The APA Citation tab has resources to help you with your APA citations.

Primary Vs. Secondary

Primary Sources – Original, first-hand accounts of a subject or an event, primary sources may also come from a person who lived at the time of the event but was not an eyewitness. Examples of primary sources include: newspapers, diaries/journals, letters, interviews, speeches, news footage, autobiographies, art, photographs, poetry, music, and three dimensional artifacts.

Secondary sources – Scholars create secondary sources by doing research using primary sources. Examples of secondary sources include: books, encyclopedias, scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers. Secondary sources help gather background information and gain an understanding of what historians already know about a topic area.

How May I Help you?

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Brooke Taxakis
Brooke's Office: Wiggins 159
Office: 910.814.5579
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Research Assistance: 910.893.1467
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