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*Clinical Research Subject Guide: Additional Information for Specific Courses


The information included below is moved from course specific guides to be more all inclusive of content.  Search for your course number to see assignment information and/or special materials that are relevant to your course. If nothing is included for your course, all of the information you need is provided in the Blackboard course by your instructor.

CLNR 332/552: PubMed Competency Self-Assessment

Watch all the tutorials on the library guide regarding PubMed, RefWorks, and Write-N-Cite. These tutorials are very helpful and tell you exactly how to go about doing your assignment.   Using the tutorials as your guide, search PubMed to find the following types of articles on your disease topic.  Choose your articles carefully as you may want to use them for some of the later assignments in this class.  This activity will give you a jump start to your research for later this semester! Be sure to include all recent articles (no older than 2 years) if possible as many of your assignments this semester will be on recent research.

Self assessment

To check that you are able to use PubMed, AMA style and Refworks appropriately, complete the following task.

  • In PubMed, find one article of each of the following, download in RefWorks and generate a bibilography in a word document: 
    • Phase 1 trial
    • Phase 2 trial
    • Phase 3 trial
    • Phase 4 trial
    • Pre-clinical trial
    • Review article
    • Meta-analysis
  • Check that the reference list is correct according to AMA. Refworks can and will make mistakes.
  • Have another student in the class check your work and problem solve.
  • This self-assessment does not need to be uploaded to blackboard nor emailed to your professor.

If any questions remain, contact your professor or subject librarian.

Plagiarism Self-Assessment

Review the Avoiding Plagiarism tab on this research guide.  Take the TurnitIn Plagiarism Quiz.

CLNR 379: Bates' Visual Guide

CLNR 416: Sample Research Topics

CLNR 451: Peer Review Video