Group Paper/Presentation:(25% of total grade). One Group Paper/Presentation: You will work in teams to complete one paper/project and present it in class. You will be analyzing a Global 100 company using the competing values framework we will discuss in class. More details on BB.
WK 5.1 VIDEO Refresher on building APA Style reference entries (4:45 min).
WK 5.2 VIDEO Refresher on building APA Style in-text citations.
1:00 Basic principles of in-text citation
1:12 The author-date citation system
1:36 Number of authors to include in in-text citations
2:30 Citing references that have the same author and the same date
4:23 Citing references that have ‘no date’
4:41 Correspondence between in-text citations and references
5:04 Citing quotations
6:20 Including page numbers in in-text citations
7:05 Including materials without page numbers in in-text citations
Group paper due Thursday, October 13, 2022
Wiggins Library Reference Desk: T-W-TR 8:00am - 10:30am (WML 231 and via "Chat" from the "Ask a Librarian" icon on the Wiggins Memorial Library homepage).
School of Business: Please e-mail me to schedule an appointment (Room 118, across from the POD).
Hours subject to change. Other hours available by appointment (contact me by email)