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ENGL 201 & 202: British Literature: Literary Criticism Tutorials

Library resources that will be useful for research

Literary Criticism

literary criticism n. the art or practice of judging and commenting on the qualities and character of a literary work; consideration or analysis of a text in relation to language, structure, biography, history, etc.

"literary criticism, n.". OED Online. March 2013. Oxford University Press. 10 June 2013.

The video tutorials on this page demonstrate how to use various library databases to find literary criticism.  Try several of these when conducting your research.

Tutorial Module: How to Find and Use Literary Criticism

Writing/Research Review

MLA International Bibliography & Other EBSCO Databases

MLA International BibliographyDirect link to search only MLA International Bibliography. 

EBSCO Databases- There are four databases hosted in EBSCO that contain literary criticism: MLA International Bibliography, Academic Search Complete, MasterFile Complete, and ATLA Religion Database with ATLA Serials.  They can be searched simultaneously.


Literature Online (LION)

Literature Resource Center

Literature Criticism Online

Project MUSE Tutorial

JSTOR Tutorials

ProQuest Central