Engelke et al. suggest the following Web Evaluation Checklist (p. 11):
• Affiliation: Is the website affiliated with an organization or institution or does an individual own the site?
• Authorship: What makes the author an authority on the subject? What are the authorʼs education and professional experience? You can do an online search to determine an authorʼs academic affiliations and publications.
• Purpose: Is the website designed to entertain, persuade, educate or sell?
• Currency: When was the website last updated?
• Quality: Is the writing grammatically correct?
• Bias: Does the site contain information or links to other sites that reflect a bias?
• Relevance: Is the information meaningful and useful for your research?
Engelke, R., Lytle, M., DeVoss, E., Bertozzi, C., Styles, E., Williams, M., & Zimmermann, S. (2013). The U.S.
history research project: A manual for students.