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BADM 236 KM Business Communications: Home

Produced with Karen Mishra, Ph.D. new Spring 2019

Getting started


TBD form groups and select your Fortune 500 company.

WK of 11/18 Work on Group project

WK of 12/2 Final Group paper due by 3 pm to

Guidelines for this assignment


In groups of 4, you will use design thinking to conduct a sustainability audit of a Fortune 500 company using the attached SHIFT framework (steps 1-4). We will spend time in class working in groups on this project.

You will present your findings to the class and summarize them in a three-page paper. As a team, please present your findings in no more than 10 minutes. SHIFT Workbook attached.

Design Thinking

Excellent APA Style

Related Literature

Mishra, K. (2024). Teaching sustainable avertising: A trialogue coursr project using SHIFT Framework. Journal of Advertising Education.In Process.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Dan Maynard
Wiggins Memorial Library