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BADM 200 SK Philosophy of Business: Small Business Startup

Prepared for Pfofessor Scott Kelly by Dan Maynard

Data Driven Infographics

Assignment: Include at least one (1) SimplyAnalytics  data variable in your Infographic..

Overview of the business

Dan's office hours

Wiggins Library Reference Desk: T-W-TR 8:00am - 10:30am (WML  231 and via "Chat" from the "Ask a Librarian" icon on the Wiggins Memorial Library homepage).

School of Business: Please e-mail me to schedule an appointment  (Room 118, across from the POD).

Hours subject to change. Other hours available by appointment (contact me by email)

Local environment

Sample Search - smoothie

Off-campus Access to library materials


APA style references for your Infographic

Use the "View Metadata" link to see the details about your data variables. Treat SimplyAnalytics as a databases with original, proprietary contentā .

SimplyAnalytics. (n.d.). EASI/MRI Consumer expenditure data 2020. Retrieved February 17th, 2021, from

SimplyAnalytics. (n.d.). Map with 2020 Consumer expenditure data. Retrieved February 17th, 2021, from