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*Political Science Research Guide: Search for Information

Welcome to your Research Guide for Political Science! This Research Guide is a starting place for finding information and research materials in Political Science courses.

The Search String Toolkit

The Boolean Operators: AND, OR, and NOT

AND finds sources that mention both listed concepts.
Wikipedia AND accuracy

OR finds sources that mention either of the two concepts.
Wikipedia AND (accuracy OR reliability)

NOT excludes sources that mention a certain concept.
Wikipedia AND (accuracy OR reliability) NOT “drug information”

Other Helpful Tools:

Quotes link phrases together. Putting the phrase “drug information” in quotes searches sources with that exact phrase, instead of searching sources with the word “drug” and “information” separately.

Truncation allows you to search a word in its varying forms.  To use truncation, type the root of the word and place the truncation symbol (often an *) behind it.

Searching for accura* will include sources that use the term accurate and the term accuracy.  
Wikipedia AND (accura* OR reliab*)

Search Library Resources: OneSearch

OneSearch is a great place to start your research, as it combines most of the library's books, journal articles, and digital resources into a single search. Search OneSearch from the library website.

Go to OneSearch

Tutorial: One Search BasicsOneSearch Basics    
Tutorial: One Search AdvancedOneSearch Advanced

Background Research

Background Research Video

Useful Political Science Databases

Ask A Librarian

Librarians are good resources for help with research, locating information, and citations. There are plenty of ways to get in touch!

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Meet Your Librarian

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Ron Epps
Office Phone: (910)893-1472

Research Assistance: (910) 893-1467

Fax: (910)893-1470
(910) 893-1472