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Belong Resources

As educators, most would agree that we are tasked with ensuring our students are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate an increasingly diverse world. We hope you find these resources useful as you work to create a welcoming and engaging learning environment for your students.


ACUE. (2023).  Ensure your course reflects a diverse society and world: Inclusive teaching toolkit. Retrieved Sep 22, 2023, from

Web Articles

Patton, L.  (Winter 2023).  A higher calling: At its best, liberal learning produces courage. Liberal Education.

(2021, February 18).  Enhancing learning in a virtual world: Three tools to increase student engagement and belonging. Knowledge Works.

Brest, P. (2024, January 9).  Reviving critical community on campus: How to make campus culture welcoming, but still argumentative.  The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Akenkorah, E. (2020). Safe and brave spaces don’t work (and what you can do instead). Medium.

Patton, L. L. (2022, October 30). Teaching conversational skills through scaffolding.  Inside Higher Education.

Video Recordings

Éireann Attriidge is an education enthusiast who, from a young age, has committed to working in the Higher Education sector to improve and enhance access and outcomes for disadvantaged students. As a result of her own experience and academic interest, Éireann is concerned with the experience of underrepresented students at every point of their educational journey.

Attridge, É. (2022, April 29). Supporting underrepresented students in higher ed [Video].

Richard, A. (2023).  Sense of belonging: Students' challenges should be effortless joys [Video].  TEDxBU. 

Ochoa, G. (January 2019).  Getting it right: Why pronouncing names correctly matters [Video].  TEDxMcMinnville.

Council of Independent Colleges. (2023, March 15).  Dr. Teresa Nance on institutional mission and bias responses [Video].  Vimeo.

Web Articles

Samura, M. (2022, May 09). 'Belonging' on campus: Three ways to make it so. Social Science Space.

West, J. (2022, April 28). Belonging: Why it is the next step on the equity, diversity and inclusion ladder. Times Higher Education.

How to cultivate a sense of belonging on your campus. (2023, June 21).  CampusWell.

Twaronite, K. (2019, February 28). The surprising power of simply asking coworkers how they’re doing. Harvard Business Review.


Additional Resources - TRC