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Resident Physician Resources: Procedure Demos & Images

This guide conveniently centralizes information resources for resident physicians


  1. Go to the medical library homepage:
  2. Click on the down arrow beside medical databases and select ClinicalKey.
  3. From the boxes under the search bar, select Multimedia.
  4. Search the desired procedure.
  5. If desired, uncheck "images" at left to isolate videos only.


Medline Plus

MedlinePlus is designed for patients, but it includes hundreds of videos of actual procedures.

AccessMedicine/AccessEmergency Medicine/AccessPharmacy


  1. Go to AccessMedicine on the medical library homepage. Use the medical databases drop down menu on the home page to locate AccessEmergency Medicine or AccessPharmacy.
  2. Search the desired procedure.
  3. If Multimedia is a choice on the left, click it.
  4. Click the clip to watch it.


Bates Physical Examination