Sections should concisely summarize the main points, using bullets when possible. See "Content: What Should I Include" for guidelines on the length of each section.
Size of Text Boxes:
Text box edges should be aligned.
Text boxes should be separated by white space.
Text boxes should not be too wide (aim for 45-65 characters/line; no box should be more than 1/4 of your poster width).
Flow of Poster:
Text boxes should flow in a logical, easily recognizable pattern.
General Formatting
Background Color:
Background, if an image, should not be distracting.
Refrain from choosing a dark background color, which can distracting.
Best practice is to choose a lighter background and place darker text over it.
Use of Images:
Images should be used in a way that supports the text.
Refrain from placing logos to the left and right of your title; your title is what should stand out here.
Use of Color:
Choose 2 to 3 colors to use for the entire poster.
Choose a color palette that is easy on the eyes.
Representing Data:
Data should be represented using appropriate charts or graphs.
Charts or graphs should be clearly formatted and easy to read.
Text Formatting
Try not to combine formatting elements for one piece of the text. See how distracting this is?
Align your text to the left instead of justifying it. Justifying texts adds annoying spaces between words; while it looks nice from a distance, it makes text difficult to read.
Choose dark colored fonts over a lighter background.
Sans serif fonts are attractive and make good headers. Serif fonts are easier to read and are useful for body text.