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CUSOM Student Workers Guide: Customer Service

Excellent Customer Service: The Basics

  • When a patron approaches the desk remember: make eye contact, smile, and greet them.
  • Ask how you can help. Use language such as: “How may I help you?”, or “What can I help you with today?”

    • Your initial greeting is one reason we ask you not to get too engrossed in homework or reading so you will notice and greet patrons.  

  • Listen carefully and respectfully to the patron's request; pay close attention to questions. Ask for additional information if needed to clarify the patron’s needs.

  • Be knowledgeable about your job and provide correct information. If you are unsure about something, ask a supervisor for assistance or look up the information as quickly as you can.

    • During ‘slow’ times, familiarize yourself with library websites, the online catalog, databases, etc.

    • Offer resources to the patrons.

  • Follow up, and confirm that the patrons questions have been answered. It never hurts to say something like: "Have I answered all of your questions?"

  • Remember that helping patrons is your most important job.  

Operating Hours

Academic Year

Mon. - Thur.: 8:30am - 10:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday: 11:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday: 2:00pm - 10:00pm

Summer Hours



The Medical Library closes on all University holidays and may close in the case of inclement weather. We will follow the lead of the university unless instructed otherwise by the Dean of the Medical School.

During periods when the students are not on campus, the library will have the hours of 8:00-5:00pm and will not utilize student workers.

Ask for help!

We don’t expect you to have an answer for every question. We do expect you to help every patron who has a question – whether that means looking up information on the library website, Alma, or this LibGuide; or referring the patron to one of the medical librarians.

If you are working at a time when no one else is available to help, send an email to the medical librarians with contact information and the question/issue. Assure the patron that someone will get back to them as soon as possible.

An Attitude of Service

Helping patrons is the most important and most visible part of your job at the Medical Library. A friendly, service-oriented attitude tells each patron that they have come to the right place to find the resources they need.

Like every skill you develop in a workplace, learning how to provide excellent customer service and being comfortable in your role come with time, care, and practice.

Grace Under Pressure

How to Deal with a Difficult Situation/Frustrated Patron

At times you may have a patron who is frustrated with “the system,” or just with the way their day is going. Remind yourself that it’s not personal, and that your friendly assistance, within acceptable limits, can help diffuse the situation for them. Making an effort, even if you’re not successful in the end, will leave the patron feeling more valued and satisfied with their experience.

  • Be positive. Don’t use body language that is confrontational or defensive.
  • Stay calm and listen carefully to what the person says. Assume they are giving accurate information. Give them time to say everything they need to without interrupting.
  • Ask questions if you need clarification so that you understand exactly what the problem is.
  • Try to solve the problem. Tell the patron how you intend to help them. Be creative; offer alternatives.
  • If you are unable to help, find someone else who may be able to solve the problem.
  • If the patron’s frustration is caused by misinformation from the library, correct the information and apologize.

If the frustration is caused by library or department rules, explain why the rule is in place. If you need to get the medical librarian and let them handle the problem.