If you aren't sure if you need to cite it or not, go ahead and cite it.
... directly quote from a source?
... paraphrase from a source?
... summarize a source?
These sites provide a guide to using the APA style
PubMed via National Library of Medicine
Exporting to RefWorks from PubMed Website
1. Conduct your search.
2. Mark the records you wish to export.
3. Click on the Display Settings link and select Medline and click the Apply button.
4. Your results will be displayed in a tagged format. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file and save the file in the text (.txt) format.
5. Log in to RefWorks.
6. Select References/Import from the toolbar.
7. Select NLM PubMed as the data source and as the database.
8. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer (if you opened the file, copy and paste the text into the Importing Data from the Following Text area).
9. Click Import.
10. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.
CINAHL with Full Text via EBSCOhost (Full Text)
Exporting to RefWorks from CINAHL
1. Conduct a search
2. Mark records you wish to save by clicking on Add to folder
3. Click on Folder View in right margin (at bottom of "Folder has items")
4. Check box to Select All references
5. Click on page icon with green arrow to Export
6. Select Direct Export to RefWorks
7. Click on Save
8. Once in RefWorks, import should be completed and then View Last Imported Folder
9. Mark the references and Put in Folder or create a folder
Exporting from Google Scholar:
Note: To configure the direct export to RefWorks, you must configure Google Scholar by clicking on the Scholar Preferences link and selecting RefWorks as your default in the Bibliography Manager area.
1. Conduct your search in Google Scholar.
2. Each record displayed will have an Import into RefWorks link. Clicking on the link will launch the RefWorks login page.
3. Once you log in, you are brought automatically to the Edit view of the reference. If you do not wish to edit the record, you can navigate to any other area of RefWorks.
4. Your record is stored in your Last Imported Folder.
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