Books with a lime green Theological Reference Collection sticker are Divinity Ref books and belong in the TRC in 3rd-floor Kivett.
Items with the yellow RESERVE stickers belong in the Reserves section behind the Circulation Desk. They are organized by professor's LAST NAME, or sometimes by COURSE NUMBER/NAME.
Books with the prefix JUV and movies with a MEDIA call number belong in the CMMC.
A General Works
B Philosophy, Psychology, Religion B History & systems of philosophy BF Psychology BJ Ethics BL Religions, mythology, rationalism BM-R Individual Religions BR Christianity BS The Bible BT Doctrinal Theology BV Practical Theology BX Christian Denominations
C Auxiliary Sciences of History CB History of civilization & culture CC Archaeology CT Biography (General)
D History: Europe, Asia, Africa
E, F History: America E America (General), U.S.
G Geography, Anthropology, Recreation G Atlases, globes, maps GB Physical geography GE Environmental Sciences GF Human ecology. Anthropogeography GN Anthropology GT Manners and customs (General) GV Dance, leisure, sports
H Social Sciences and Business HA Statistics HB Economic theory. Demography HC Economic history & conditions HJ Public finance HM Sociology HN Social history and conditions, social problems, social reform HQ Family, marriage, home HT Communities, classes, races
J Political Science JF Constitutional history & administration JK U.S. constitutional history JS Local government JX International law, international relations
K Law
L Education LA History of education LB Theory & practice LD Individual U.S. institutions LH College & school publication LT Textbooks |
M Music M Musical works ML Literature of music MT Music instruction & study
N Fine Arts N Visual Arts NB Sculpture NC Drawing, design, illustration ND Painting
P Language and Literature P Linguistics, philology PA Greek & Latin PC Romance languages PE English language PN Literature,literary history & collections PN1993-1996 Motion pictures PQ Romance literatures PR English literature PS American literature PZ Fiction and juvenile belles letters
Q Science QA Mathematics QB Astronomy QC Physics QD Chemistry QE Geology QH Natural history - Biology QK Botany QL Zoology QM Human anatomy QP Physiology QR Microbiology
R Medicine RA Public aspects of medicine RB Pathology RC Internal medicine RD Surgery RJ Pediatrics RS Pharmacy and material medical RT Nursing
S Agriculture
T Technology
U-V Military & Naval Science UA Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation UB Military administration UC Maintenance and transportation UD Infantry UE Cavalry, armor UF Artillery UG Military engineering, air forces UH Other services
Z Library Science |
Need a more detailed list? Find what you're looking for using the Library of Congress Classification Outline.
Re-shelve books with the orange "Book Oasis" sticker in the Oasis collection immediately when they are returned and checked in. Do not place these items on the re-shelving shelves.
DVDs with the prefix OASIS are kept in the black filing cabinets at Circulation arranged by their call number. When a patron checks one out, pull the disc from the drawer to check out to the patron, and put the empty case on top of the left-hand file cabinet in alphabetical order. When the DVD is returned, put it back into the black cabinet and return the empty case for that DVD to the Oasis shelves in alpha order.
Oasis Video games are also located in the black file cabinets at the Circulation Desk.
We now offer board games in Oasis, which are loaned out for three weeks. They are not in alpha or call number order on the shelves, just kept neatly with others of the same size.
Discs with SUPPL in the call number are stored at the Circulation Desk.
Discs with REF SUPPL are stored in the Research Assistance Office.
Items with the prefix OVERSIZE belong in the Oversize Books collection in Wiggins Basement.
REF items with DIC following the call number are shelved in the Drug Information Center on 2nd-floor Wiggins.
REF items with MED or RTP suffixes will be routed to the Medical school OR RTP campus, respectively. Bring these books to the Librarian Offices, and place them on the cart located to your right after you walk in.