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Wiggins Library Student Workers Guide: Research Assistance

Welcome to the electronic version of the library student worker handbook. This is meant to be a quick reference for any questions you might have about working here at the library or that might crop up while you're on the job.

How to get help from Librarians?!

Librarians are here to help and we offer a number of ways in which students can reach out for help. 

Projects to work on

At the Library Service Desk, we have a couple of projects that our student workers help us with:

  1. Shelf reading: Once you have completed your LC Easy and other training, you can begin shelf reading.  Shelf reading should be done at least once during your shift for at least 30 minutes.  
  2. Furniture Reset: As people use our spaces, they move our furniture around and often do not put things back.  Therefore we ask our student workers to help us reset furniture in the library at least once a day.  See 2nd floor pictures for furniture placement. See your supervisor if you would like to help with this.
  3. Lights and Leaks: We also ask our student workers to help us check the library each day for lights that might be out and for any water leaks or any other issues.  See your supervisor if you would like to help with this.

Library Tutorials

The librarians have created several tutorials that cover a wide variety of topics.  Here is our new website that links to all of our newly created tutorials.  Look over these tutorials and know that they exist so that you can refer them to students who might need assistance.


Subject Librarians:

Each Librarian has different subject areas in which they specialize.  You may need to direct students directly to the subject librarian for assistance.  This website has the full listing 

Subject Librarian Listing

What To Do When There's Nothing To Do

There is always something you can be doing, so during a slow time if you find that you don't have anything to do.  Think again, try  your luck at the "wheel of what to do".  This wheel has lots of options, give it a spin and see what task you are given!!!

Staff/Librarian Phone list

Adams, Cindy             x. 5563

Bahnaman, Steve       x. 1760

Beeman, Meredith      X. 1473

Berry, Marie                x. 1762

Brown, Anita              x. 1464

Epps, Ron                   x.1472

Faulkner, Barbara       x. 1728

Gregory, Michelle       x.1463

Circ. Assistant            x. 4908

Long, Holley               x. 5773

Maynard, Dan             x. 7930

Pore, Abigail                x.1407

Seagraves, Jennifer      x. 5562

Steele, Sarah               x. 1466

Taxakis, Brooke          x. 5579

Wade, Sarah                x. 7334

Wong, Siuki                x. 1469

CU- What to do in an Emergency

Additional Resources