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Wiggins Library Student Workers Guide: Circulating Materials

Welcome to the electronic version of the library student worker handbook. This is meant to be a quick reference for any questions you might have about working here at the library or that might crop up while you're on the job.

What To Do With New Books?


  1. Scan every barcode into Alma; make sure to UNcheck ‘Register in-house use’  box first.
  2. Pull all books with a dust jacket and set them on the Circulation Assistant's desk in the Circulation office.
  3. Put any books with a JUV, CMMC or TRC prefix in the blue bin to be taken up to the 3rd floor.
  4. Place any books with a special “bookmark” (& prefix) in proper spot:
  1. REF – on the cart immediately inside on right wall of Reference office
  2. MED or CUSOM – on the cart immediately inside on right wall of Reference office
  3. DIC – bring upstairs to the Drug Information Center
  4. ADA - Ada Taylor Culinary Collection on the wall perpindicular to Oasis titles.
  1. Put books published in the current and previous 2 years on a separate cart – these will go on the New Titles shelves after following the Adding New Books steps below (in a GA or staff member's Alma account).



(In GA/Staff member’s Alma account):

  1. Step 1: Open ‘Scan In Items’
  2. Click on ‘Change Item Information’
    1. Change Type: Temporary
    2. Location: New Book Shelves
  3. Step 2: Make Due Date 4 weeks from today
  4. Step 3: Scan barcode(s)
  5. Step 4: Exit
  6. Shelve the New Books in call # order on New Book Shelves


(In GA/Staff member’s Alma account):

  1. Run New Books Due Date report - once weekly (usually Monday) to get a list of books due to move from their Temporary (New Books) location to their Permanent (Wiggins Basement or Kivett) location.
    1. To get Report, go to Analytics in Alma > Design Analytics > Catalog > Shared Folders > Campbell University > Reports > Fulfillment > New Books Due Date
    2. Double click and print out the report.
  2. Pull the books for that week.
  3. Back in Alma > click on Scan In Items > Change Type > choose Restore > Scan barcode of the books you pulled. Exit.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Placing an ILL request: When a book or article is needed and Wiggins Library doesn't have a copy available, the patron can request the material from another library using the online ILLiad form. InterLibrary Loan book requests usually arrive within 4-5 days; articles within 2-3 days.

Picking up an ILL item: Patrons can pick up ILL items at the Circulation Desk; they are shelved alphabetically by patron last name on the top shelf of the bookcase to the right of the service desks. When a patron comes to pick up a book, have them sign and date the slip of paper in the book, and remind them to keep the orange sleeve and information tag on the book. Put their signed slip in the box NEXT TO the mailbox in Ms. Berry's office (on top of the bookshelf to your right when entering her office from the Circ office.)

Returning an ILL item:  When a patron returns an ILL book, place it on the ILL Returns shelf on the tall wall unit in Ms. Berry's office .

Questions? Please see a GA or staff member.

What To Do When There's Nothing To Do

When you arrive for each shift, your first priorities are: 

1) Make sure that no one needs immediate help at the desk and that the area is clear of extraneous materials.

2) Shelve books (after you scan them in using 'Return Item' in Alma). Collect books left on the stacks carts whenever you're shelving; back at the Services Desk, do a 'Scan In Item' with the In-House Use button checked.

3) Check in with your supervisor and, if there is ample desk coverage, go do inventory, shelf reading or, with a partner, shifting.

When these tasks are completed, you may be looking for something to do:

  • Dust & straighten stacks
  • Dust/wet wipe Circulation Desk
  • Dust/wet wipe first floor tables/computer desks & computer terminals if it is slow and won’t be a distraction to patrons
  • Straighten chairs/furniture; throw out any trash you see
  • Straighten & shelf read New Titles shelves
  • Straighten & shelf read Ada Taylor Cookbook Collection
  • Straighten & shelf read Oasis Collection, checking that DVDs are in the correct category and in alphabetical order
  • In the Applications/Library Information notebook binder, check to see if we're running low on Reserves forms, Campus Maps, Timesheets, or other forms. Use a copycard and print out a dozen in color directly from LibGuide Forms tab (do not photocopy).
  • Play around on the library website and learn something new
  • Read through the list of available databases in your subject of interest and explore them

Handling Overdue Materials

When checking out books to someone who has an overdue fine, kindly inform them of the fine amount. Let them know that they can pay in cash here or we can send it to the Business Office if the fine is at least $1.00. Fines older than three weeks are sent to the Business Office weekly.

See a Staff Member or Graduate Assistant if:

  • Someone would like to pay an overdue fine
  • Someone believes they were wrongly charged an overdue fine
  • Someone has a really, really good sob story
  • Anything else relating to an overdue fine 

Oasis Collection

The Oasis Collection is provided to students through a partnership with the Student Government Association and includes popular and current feature films, documentaries, TV series, and books.  Students may request (mostly new) titles using a request sheet at the Library Services Desk.

Cooperative Agreements

Wiggins Memorial Library has Cooperative Agreements with the following Colleges/Universities:

Central Carolina Community College Library

Miller-Motte College

Mount Olive College

East Carolina University (Joyner, Music, Laupus Health Sciences Libraries) 

If a student, faculty, or staff member from these universities, or any other university, asks for information regarding a Cooperative Agreement, please have a Circulation staff member assist them.