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ENGL 453 Methods in Teaching English: Online Resources

With Resources for Teaching Adolescent Literature

Professional Organizations

English Web Resources

For lesson planning:

  • Web English Teacher  -One of the best of K-12 English Language Arts teaching resources: this site provides lesson plans for reading, writing, and speaking on all grade levels.
  • Mr. Lettiere's English on the Web  -Lessons, quizzes, and vocabulary provided by a fellow English teacher. This site does receive donations.
  • Outta Ray's Head  -Ray Saitz a veteran English teacher (30 years) presents lesson plans complete with handouts.
  •  -this site provides educators, parents, and after school professionals with access to the highest quality practices in reading and language arts instruction by offering the very best in free materials.
  • EasyTestMaker  -EasyTestMaker is a free online test generator to help you create your tests. You can create multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, short answer and true and false questions all on the same test. You can also insert instructions
  • BBC Bitesize (British Broadcasting Corporation)   -A secondary school revision resource for students studying their GCSEs featuring written content, interactive content, audio, video and games.
  • Jim Burke: English Companion-Provides information, resources, and illuminates books, ideas, organizations, and resources as aids to teaching English.
  • Book TV  -Book TV is a production of C-Span 2. It features non-fiction authors talking about their works and the subjects of their works.
  • The History Channel  -Explore History shows, watch videos and full episodes, play games and access articles on historical topics.
  • Open Culture Free Audio Books  -This site allows you to download hundreds of free audio books, mostly classics, to your MP3 player or computer.
  • Search-Ebooks  -Search EBooks is a service dedicated to helping you find free ebooks. When you find an ebook on Search EBooks you can view a preview of it, download, or grab an embed code without ever leaving the search results page.
  • Project Gutenberg Audio Books  -Project Gutenberg makes audio eBooks available for some of the same great literature available in plain text. The listings are divided into two categories: Human-read and computer-generated audio books. These files can be very large, so are not well suited for people using a modem or other low-speed connection.
  • Project Gutenberg Books in Spanish  
  • Questia Free Books  -More than 5,000 fiction and non-fiction titles are available through Questia for free.
  • Classjump  -ClassJump offers free websites for teachers and educators. Students receive free accounts as well. A free teacher website with no strings attached.
  • NC Live Video Collection  -Online videos from PBS including Ken Burns', Masterpiece Theater, Scientific American, American Experience, and more.
  • BrainPOP  -Animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social Studies, Arts & Music and English movies, quizzes, activity pages and school homework help for K-12 kids.
  • Heartland Truly Moving Pictures  -As a Truly Moving Picture Award-winning film adapted from a book, these movies feature free, downloadable curriculum for those who work with youth and youth groups.
  •  -This site is all about adolescent literature. On AdLit teachers can find book lists, video interviews with authors, and a comprehensive list of strategies for teaching reading and writing. The strategies page gives detailed descriptions of how to implement each strategy.

For students:

  • LitCharts  -LitCharts is a service that provides condensed outlines and summaries of classic literature.
  • Grammar Girl  -Grammar Girl has tips and grammar exercises to help you learn and remember all the grammar rules on punctuation, word choice, and more.
  • BBC Bitesize (British Broadcasting Corporation)   -A secondary school revision resource for students studying their GCSEs featuring written content, interactive content, audio, video and games.
  • Bibme  -Just like EasyBib™! BibMe AutoFills citations for you. Download your MLA, APA, Chicago, or Turabian bibliography in RTF for free.

Grammar Games

These games wrere provided from Free Technology for Teachers--a blog composed by Richard Byrne.