Andrew Marshall The Trouser People: A story of Burma in the shadow of the empire. (2002)
Aung San Suu Kyi Freedom from fear and other writings (1995)
David Chandler Brother Number One: A political biography of PolPot (1999)
Nic Dunlop The Lost Executioner: A journey to the heart of the killing fields (2005)
Chanrithy Him When broke glass floats: Growing up under the Khmer Rogue (2000)
Philip Short Pol Pot: anatomy of a nightmare (2004)
Edward Douwes Dekker (aka Multatuli) Max Havelaar or the coffee auctions of the Dutch Trading Company (1987)
Agnes Newton Keith Land below the wind (1939)
Phil Karber The Indochina Chronicles: travels in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam (2007)
G. A. Henty Among the Malay Pirates (1916)
Jose Rizal Noli Me Tangere (1961)
Geoges Condominas We have eaten the forest: the story of a Montagnard village in the central highland of Vietnam (1994)
David Halberstam HO (2007)
Michael Sallan and Mitch Weiss, Tiger Force: a true story of men and war (2006)
Anne Morrison Welsh Held in the light: Norman Morrison's sacrifice for peace and his family's journey of healing (2008)
Anthony Reid Southeast Asia in the age of commerce, 1450-1680, Vols 1&2 (1988 & 1993)
Please click on the country or region that you are interested in. You will be taken to a page that lists the titles that we have about that subject.