A General Works
B Philosophy, Psychology, Religion B History & systems of philosophy BF Psychology BJ Ethics BL Religions, mythology, rationalism BM-R Individual Religions BR Christianity BS The Bible BT Doctrinal Theology BV Practical Theology BX Christian Denominations
C Auxiliary Sciences of History CB History of civilization & culture CC Archaeology CT Biography (General)
D History: Europe, Asia, Africa
E, F History: America E America (General), U.S.
G Geography, Anthropology, Recreation G Atlases, globes, maps GB Physical geography GE Environmental Sciences GF Human ecology. Anthropogeography GN Anthropology GT Manners and customs (General) GV Dance, leisure, sports
H Social Sciences and Business HA Statistics HB Economic theory. Demography HC Economic history & conditions HJ Public finance HM Sociology HN Social history and conditions, social problems, social reform HQ Family, marriage, home HT Communities, classes, races
J Political Science JF Constitutional history & administration JK U.S. constitutional history JS Local government JX International law, international relations
K Law
L Education LA History of education LB Theory & practice LD Individual U.S. institutions LH College & school publication LT Textbooks |
M Music M Musical works ML Literature of music MT Music instruction & study
N Fine Arts N Visual Arts NB Sculpture NC Drawing, design, illustration ND Painting
P Language and Literature P Linguistics, philology PA Greek & Latin PC Romance languages PE English language PN Literature,literary history & collections PN1993-1996 Motion pictures PQ Romance literatures PR English literature PS American literature PZ Fiction and juvenile belles letters
Q Science QA Mathematics QB Astronomy QC Physics QD Chemistry QE Geology QH Natural history - Biology QK Botany QL Zoology QM Human anatomy QP Physiology QR Microbiology
R Medicine RA Public aspects of medicine RB Pathology RC Internal medicine RD Surgery RJ Pediatrics RS Pharmacy and material medical RT Nursing
S Agriculture
T Technology
U-V Military & Naval Science UA Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation UB Military administration UC Maintenance and transportation UD Infantry UE Cavalry, armor UF Artillery UG Military engineering, air forces UH Other services
Z Library Science |
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