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EXER 432- Research Methods Exercise Science: Well -Being

Campbell's Well - Being Mission

Campbell’s mission to prepare students for purposeful lives and meaningful service is a commitment to develop the whole person. This lives in a student experience that is focused on the attention to one’s well-being and how students matter and thrive here, and ultimately how they contribute to human flourishing in the places they are called to go and serve.

Well - Being Wheel

The eight dimensions of the well-being wheel are interconnected and represent dimensions of a person’s life, and when balanced and tended to, can lead to thriving and flourishing. You can use the wheel to reflect and evaluate your overall well-being and to keep up with how you are practicing well-being in that area.

Vocational Well-Being

Vocational well-being lives at the intersection of who you are called to be and what you are called to do. Your identity and purpose matter, and will shape how you live, work, and lead.

Financial Well-Being

Financial well-being reflects your ability to manage your money in a responsible way in order to make decisions for your present and future.

Physical Well-Being

Physical well-being encompasses healthy lifestyle behaviors that contribute to the overall health and wellness of your body.


Relational Well-Being

 Relational well-being reflects a willingness to know yourself and know others in a genuine way. Relationships built on trust, support, and respect bring value to our community.

Cultural Well-Being

Cultural well-being is a commitment to truly see the people around you in order to learn, celebrate, and belong in community. This means valuing the beauty of diversity.

Spiritual Well-Being

Spiritual well-being refers to the process in which you find truth, meaning, and purpose through your relationship or understanding of God. At Campbell we find no conflict between a life of faith and a life of inquiry.

Academic Well-Being

Academic well-being can be achieved when learning and the pursuit of knowledge becomes a lifelong skill.

Emotional Well-Being

Emotional well-being refers to your ability to understand and process what you feel in healthy and proactive ways.