This search displays, by title, the library's holdings for over 94,000 periodicals, including scholarly journals, popular magazines, and newspapers (such as Science, Time, and The Wall Street Journal).
Springer LINK Contemporary (1997 - Present)This link opens in a new windowSpringerLink is Springer's online full-text archive for journals and books. SpringerLink currently offers over 2,600 fully peer-reviewed journals and a growing roster of book series, comprising more than 46,700 books online.
EBSCOHost EbooksThis link opens in a new windowThis collection has more than 100,000 ebook titles in various subject areas.
Kanopy is a streaming video service that includes educational and documentary films from a variety of collections in different disciplines. Currently the library offers the Hawker Brownlow Education collection and an assortment of on-demand titles in various disciplines.